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konqueror forgets profile settings

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    konqueror forgets profile settings

    I can't make konqueror remember my profile settings.
    I don't like icon view. I prefer list view, so I change it and then hit save profile file manager.
    Though, when I close and re-open konqueror, i get icons again.
    How can i set list view as the default for all folders?

    Regards, Steve

    Dapper Drake 6.06LTS, KDE 3.5.2

    Re: konqueror forgets profile settings

    Am I the only one with this problem?



      Re: konqueror forgets profile settings

      Sorry mate, no idea, just tried it myself to see what happened, exactly the same as you, if I figure it out I'll let ya know.


        Re: konqueror forgets profile settings

        You can change konqueror start profile:

        a)Make new profile (MyOwnProfile) . Save it

        Or use ready profiles: filemanagement, kde_devel, midnightcommander, simplebrowser, tabbedbrowsing, webbrowsing

        Type into the konsole: konqueror --profiles (shows the available profiles)

        b1)Right click konqueror button> Configure Konqueror Button > Application -> command: kfmclient openProfile MyOwnProfile

        b2) (desktop) Right click konqueror icon > Properties > Application -> command: kfmclient openProfile MyOwnProfile

        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: konqueror forgets profile settings

          Originally posted by Rog131
          You can change konqueror start profile:

          a)Make new profile (MyOwnProfile) . Save it

          Or use ready profiles: filemanagement, kde_devel, midnightcommander, simplebrowser, tabbedbrowsing, webbrowsing

          Type into the konsole: konqueror --profiles (shows the available profiles)

          b1)Right click konqueror button> Configure Konqueror Button > Application -> command: kfmclient openProfile MyOwnProfile

          b2) (desktop) Right click konqueror icon > Properties > Application -> command: kfmclient openProfile MyOwnProfile

          I know this, and have already done this, but still it doesn't remember my settings the way i want it to.
          It looks like if i change the settings for a folder and hit save profile, it remembers the settings for that folder. But when i open another folder i get icons again :-(
          I want to set a profile "system wide", so I just get a list view immediately on every folder konqueror opens

          Sincerely, Steve


            Re: konqueror forgets profile settings

            Are you using standard kubuntu konqueror ?

            There is (in konqueror) Settings > Save View Changes per Folder. But i think it is disabled in the kubuntu.
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: konqueror forgets profile settings

              Originally posted by Rog131
              Are you using standard kubuntu konqueror ?

              There is (in konqueror) Settings > Save View Changes per Folder. But i think it is disabled in the kubuntu.
              HUh? No i don't even have that item under settings!
              I use the standard kubuntu konqueror, except for the profiles, i restored the original ones. (hoping this would solve the problem)

