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What happened to the right-click menus?

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    What happened to the right-click menus?

    OK, I've installed Kubuntu Dapper (by installing Ubuntu and adding the KDE packages), replacing Vector Linux, a variant of Slackware. In Vector (and, iirc, in Mandriva and SuSE), when I right-clicked on a file or folder in Konqueror, the popup menu included two items, "Copy to..." and "Move to...", which gave birth to a series of further popup menus allowing me to navigate the filesystem and move/copy the nominated file anywhere I had permissions to do so.

    My question is, where did they go? And how do I get them back?

    &quot;My country is the World, and my religion is to do good&quot;<br />- Thomas Paine

    Re: What happened to the right-click menus?

    They were taken out by the Kubuntu team to simplify konqueror. You can get the funtions back quite easitly. See the kubuntu faq.


      Re: What happened to the right-click menus?

      The function is still available in the Kubuntu File Manager profile for Konqueror (Settings > Load Profile > Kubuntu File Manager).

      You can probably enable the same features in a Konqueror profile of your own. Just modify the Kubuntu FIle Manager profile to your liking, and then save it under another profile name.
      Jucato&#39;s Data Core


        Re: What happened to the right-click menus?

        Thanks, guys, but I've fixed it. Tried Lil_Eagle's suggestion and it didn't work, so I did a search in Synaptic Package Manager under "Konqueror" and found a package called konq-plugins which added the missing items. My assistant had the menus as standard, but he'd installed from the Kubuntu CD, whereas I'd installed Ubuntu and added the kde-desktop, so I guess I was missing the KDE stuff that gets included in a native Kubuntu install.

        Jucato, I don't see Load Profile in my Settings menu. ...?
        &quot;My country is the World, and my religion is to do good&quot;<br />- Thomas Paine


          Re: What happened to the right-click menus?

          It's probably missing since you just upgraded from Ubuntu. The default Kubuntu 6.06 LTS install returned the profile entries in the Settings menu. If you don't use those features that much, then no worries there.
          Jucato&#39;s Data Core


            Re: What happened to the right-click menus?

            I guess so. As you say, it's not a biggie, but I'll take a look around for it when I get a moment.

            &quot;My country is the World, and my religion is to do good&quot;<br />- Thomas Paine

