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XGL/Compiz Attempt, Can't Boot KDE

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    XGL/Compiz Attempt, Can't Boot KDE

    I followed this howto, but it messed up somehow, now when I boot it gets to the bootsplash "Kubuntu" with the various things underneath loading, then after they all load again, it shows the bootsplash again, but nothing loads and the loading bar stays empty.

    I've gone into recovery mode through GRUB and undone all the changes I made from that howto (as far as I know), but it just won't boot.

    Re: XGL/Compiz Attempt, Can't Boot KDE

    Anyone? Really don't want to go through all the hassle of reinstalling just because of this...


      Re: XGL/Compiz Attempt, Can't Boot KDE

      I've been in your position before. As a matter of fact, it was right when I installed Breezy over top of Hoary that I realized that my Hoary install was not broken. Instead it was the Grub menu.lst that got off track somehow. Moral of the story is double and triple check your Grub menu entries and make sure they all point to the right kernel and partition. (In my stoopid case my Hoary) When in doubt keep trying different kernels until your system comes back. Also always make a backup copy of any system files (stuff under /etc/*) before you modify them. When things go wrong pop in a live disk and restore the backup. I wish I could help more but I don't know exactly what you modified or what was involved.


        Re: XGL/Compiz Attempt, Can't Boot KDE

        Press Ctr+Alt+F1 when you get to the still logo, log in, then do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, then undo some of the changes by deleting any of the autostart files you made and everything should work next reboot.

