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Konqueror HTML (or CSS?) rendering problems

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    Konqueror HTML (or CSS?) rendering problems

    I've had some problems with webpages in Konqueror since Breezy and KDE 3.5.1. I thought they would disappear in Dapper and KDE 3.5.3. Some did disappear, others remained. I'm not sure if this is a KDE thing, or a Kubuntu thing, or just an unfortunate "me" thing. So I thought I'd post it here first.

    I was only able to save 2 sets of screenshots, one from Konqueror and the other from Firefox. There are webpages that I've had problems with, but these 2 are the ones I remember (you'll see why)

    1. aysiu's web page (

    [img width=400 height=312][/img]

    [img width=400 height=304][/img]

    As you can (probably) see, the sizes of the two columns aren't the same in Konqueror and in Firefox.

    2. side panel.

    [img width=400 height=305][/img]

    [img width=400 height=300][/img]

    How this happened:
    1. Start with Forum Stats and Previous Release Forums collapsed (arrows pointing down)
    2. Expand Forum Stats (arrow points up)
    3. Expand Previous Release Forums (arrow points up)

    The funny thing is, if you collapse Previous Release Forums after doing #3, then everything acts  normally, except if you set things to #1 again.

    I'm guessing this might be a CSS problem, since regular HTML can't do those stuff? There are other problems to, like menus or sections of webpages overlapping with other sections. But I forgot to take screenshots of those.

    So basic question: how do I fix/workaround this?

    For a browser that proudly proclaims passing the ACID 2 test, this behavior is unexpected and unacceptable. But I love Konqueror, and I'm not ready to give up the dragon and take in the fox just yet. So if anyone can help me fix it, I'll be really greatful.


    Jucato's Data Core

    Re: Konqueror HTML (or CSS?) rendering problems

    Have you check the KDE Bug tracker and the Kubuntu bug tracker? I am sure there are probably bugs posted for this instance somewhere, if not you could post it so developers can get on it. I have noticed the same issue as you have had. Konqi isn't perfect, and that is why I have strayed away from it recently and started using FF. Check the bug trackers and maybe confirm the bugs if they are there, or create a new bug report. You have the screenshots to back it up thats for sure. Thanks for the post and the information by the way. Take care!!!
    Richard Johnson (nixternal)<br />Core Developer :: MOTU :: MOTU Council :: Community Council<br /><br />


      Re: Konqueror HTML (or CSS?) rendering problems

      Sorry I was only able to get back to this now. I haven't found any bugs that closely resembles my problems. Bug hunting isn't exactly that easy, specially if the search function doesn't accept "css" as a search term because it's only 3 letters.

      I also haven't filed a bug report for some reasons.
      1. I'm not sure if it's reproduceable. I have only been able to reproduce it on my system, one in Breezy using KDE 3.5.0-3.5.2, and one in Dapper using 3.5.3. But I'm not sure if others experience the same things. That's why I posted here, hoping someone else could take notice and probably take a few minutes of their time to confirm.

      2. According to
      Unfortunately due to the large number of bug reports received, and the large amount of time that it takes developers to identify issues, reports which do not include a testcase or are not described in reproduceable steps will get a low priority of fixing.
      But in order to make a testcase:
      Please always test the latest version available. For browser bugs this means the latest development version, which can be very different from the latest stable release.
      So basically, I have to do those to file a bug report that will get some attention. And what use is a bug report if no one will pay attention to it anyway.

      3. The same page suggestions some steps in investigating HTML/CSS related problems.
      1. Save the relevant page or frame on your disk.
      2. Load the page from your disk and see if the problem is still there.
      The strange thing is this: When I save the correctly rendered page using Firefox, the offline version displays properly in Konqueror. However, if I save the page using Konqueror's web archiver (.war), the page incorrectly displays in both Konqueror and Firefox. So basically, I'm at a dead end.

      4. Bug reports scare the s*@% out of me. Not knowing what to write, what to include, error messages, etc.

      *sigh* I guess I'll have to accept these "bugs", if ever they are really bugs. Still sticking to Konqueror, though.
      Jucato&#39;s Data Core


        Re: Konqueror HTML (or CSS?) rendering problems

        konqueror passed that acid2 test thing, so it should work, what version of kde are you running


          Re: Konqueror HTML (or CSS?) rendering problems

          KDE 3.5.3.

          I took the Acid 2 Test ( and Konqueror didn't render the smiley face correctly . But it had less errors than when I tried it in Firefox.

          Could anyone be kind enough to test these websites if they're experiencing the same things? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
          Jucato&#39;s Data Core


            Re: Konqueror HTML (or CSS?) rendering problems


            It's working well on kde 3.5.3 for dapper 64 bits. The face is perfect (first time I can see it like this even )
            Maybe I will try on a 32 bits system


