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Kmail Signature File ?

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    Kmail Signature File ?

    Any ideas as to how I can use a JPG file as my signature file ?
    [img width=400 height=96][/img] <br />The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; [i]Bill Watterson

    Re: Kmail Signature File ?

    That waould be a serious violation of netiquette. Which suggests sigs of less than four lines, (to speed up downloads on slow connections). It would get you marked as a PERPETUAL, AOL LUSER and get you flamed by all RIGHT THINKING, NET NAZIS

    Besides, I don't think it can be done. Some people use ASCII art in their sigs, though.


      Re: Kmail Signature File ?

      I just tried it and it didn't work. I created a small jpeg image file and pointed to it under Settings/Konfigure Kmail/(click on your Identity)/Modify/Signature/enable Signature/obtain signature from:file

      Instead of attaching the image, it just added few ASCII letters, even when I switched the mail format to HTML and added the sig again.

      However, as my preposter already mentioned (though I disagree with the usage of the term Nazi for such context as it plays down the scale of their crimes), sending images along with your mail will displease a lot of people. I even dislike people sending me HTML mails, I usually tell them to upload any of their own HTML stuff and send me the link or print a pdf file and send me that. 

      Text based messages are much simpler to handle if you're having a conversation and like to quote properly apart from using up much fewer bandwidth. It makes it possible to display logically a long, complex conversation. For example:

      >>> Hello, I wondered if the universe possibly
      >>> has merely one dimension, given that the
      >>> smallest particle of matter is information.

      >> Whoa! What have you been taking?

      > Physics classes.

      Now this tiny conversation was merely with two invented people. In forums quoting in HTML quickly becomes confusing and visually ugly when its relevant for the context to quote several preposters. Thats why Google's HTML interpretation of Usenet implemented above text based quoting style which arose out of the text medium Usenet. Unfortunately, very few PHP forums also wrap their design around that principle, rendering it necessary to quote by means of HTML. Here, where this is done too, it's not so bad since there's hardly ever more than one reply keeping a chain of 1-2, 1-2. But I recall forums where there are up to 5 quotes boxed into each other. Yuck!

      But I'm drifting off. Just highlighting some advantages of text based communication, I'm not a console / ASCII freak.

