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Kubuntu Kernel question

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    Kubuntu Kernel question

    I sometimes like to build my own kernel so I can try out new patch sets (Like the CK set), so I was wondering if the Kubuntu kernel was simply a vanilla kernel with no other patch sets applied?

    So, all I would need to do is patch a vanilla kernel, compile it, and copy it to /boot (Basically)?



    Re: Kubuntu Kernel question

    the Ubuntu kernel is not vanilla... I'm pretty sure of it. But to apply a patch, you probably could try this:
    sudo apt-get build-dep kernel-pkg-name-here
    sudo apt-get source kernel-pkg-name-here
    then try applying your patches and pray it works.

    Or maybe the other way around? get a vanilla, then apply your patch, then try the Ubuntu ones?

    I never touch the kernel (I would like to recompile with toshiba acpi stuff so I can use fnfxd, but I'm swamped with exams... and don't really want to do anything too strenous in the summer)
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Kubuntu Kernel question

      Originally posted by Nirvana
      the Ubuntu kernel is not vanilla... I'm pretty sure of it. But to apply a patch, you probably could try this:
      sudo apt-get build-dep kernel-pkg-name-here
      sudo apt-get source kernel-pkg-name-here
      then try applying your patches and pray it works.

      Or maybe the other way around? get a vanilla, then apply your patch, then try the Ubuntu ones?

      I never touch the kernel (I would like to recompile with toshiba acpi stuff so I can use fnfxd, but I'm swamped with exams... and don't really want to do anything too strenous in the summer)
      Thanks for the reply...

      I have installed the kernel source already because to install the IVTV drivers for my PVR 250 it was a requirement. However, I was not able to locate the mkinitrd or mkinitramfs programs to make the ram disks.

      Is this a separate package, or something I missed?




        Re: Kubuntu Kernel question

        This post over on the parent ubuntu forums helped me when I ran into that problem:

        Using make-kpkg and then installing the deb is easier.

        Hope this helps,

        &lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 9255&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;; alt=&quot;The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 9255&quot; /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

