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Autocomplete run dialog

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    Autocomplete run dialog

    I've just switched from SuSE 10.1 to Kubuntu and I'm quite glad I did since I find it far more friendly and far more robust, but I really miss one of the features that (I guess) SuSE has turned on by default and I can't find where to turn it on.

    I like the way when you start typing in the run dialog of KDE the text is autocompleted and so typing the first few letters and pressing enter will make the program run while in Kubuntu a list with all the programs I've run appears and I have to select the one I want.

    Is there a way to change this? I heard it's got something to do with KDE 3.5.3 but I had 3.5.3 installed in SuSE and it didn't work this same way. By the way, I have Kubuntu Dapper 64-bit with KDE 3.5.3 on an AMD64 3200+ (2.2 Ghz) with 1Gb of RAM.

    Thanks a lot for the help!

    Re: Autocomplete run dialog


    I don't know this option, but if you want you can use katapult which is doing something like this... Usually in kubuntu it's activated by default just press <Alt>+<Space>
    and it should pop up, if not, then run katapult from konsole and it will launch and stay if you save session settings on exit.



      Re: Autocomplete run dialog

      Wow! Katapult is amazing!!! Thanks a lot!


        Re: Autocomplete run dialog

        Yes, Katapult is very amazing!

        In case you still wanted to do the autocompletion stuff in the Run Command dialog, here's how: Alt+F2, right-click on the text input area, choose Text Completion from the dropdown menu, and choose Automatic as the method.
        Jucato&#39;s Data Core


          Re: Autocomplete run dialog

          Thanks a lot! Just what I was looking for!

