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Kmix and Korn vanished from system tray [update IV - solved]

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    Kmix and Korn vanished from system tray [update IV - solved]

    Both Kmix (volume control) and Korn suddenly don't load into the system tray anymore, even though both are configured to load/show upon start. Sound works, korn also works and remain visible in the system tray after manually starting them, but are not in system tray after reboot. Other programs like KOrganizer, Klipper and the Keyboard tool are fine.

    I've looked into a folder called autostart but it's empty, so I don't know where and how the system tray knows which programs to load upon start.



    In seeking info about the system tray function, in the help pages, I eventually got to, I quote:

    Begin paste-->
    "To begin with, we'll take the standard application KCalc and turn it into a system tray application. This is achieved with one simple command:
    % ksystraycmd --title 'kcalc' kcalc"
    <--End paste

    Apparently this command allows you to turn applications into "system tray" applications, which is a bit confusing to me, since I assumed that this is done simply by the "add applet or application" function.

    However, I then opened a terminal window and used this newly discovered command for kmix.

    While kmix, the volume control icon _did_ appear in the system tray, the terminal spat following error message at me:

    Begin paste-->
    bibi@bibi:~$ ksystraycmd --title 'kmix' kmix
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
      Major opcode:  145
      Minor opcode:  3
      Resource id:  0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
      Major opcode:  145
      Minor opcode:  3
      Resource id:  0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
      Major opcode:  145
      Minor opcode:  3
      Resource id:  0x0
    Failed to open device
    X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
      Major opcode:  145
      Minor opcode:  3
      Resource id:  0x0
    Failed to open device
    <--End paste

    I just rebooted and the kmix icon is indeed gone again, so is korn with which I followed the same command.

    I'm trying to remember what I did which caused kmix and korn to die off the system tray, I wonder if it could have anything to do with changing login from "restore session" to "fresh start". But if that was the problem, the other icons/apps should also not be identified as system tray apps anymore. I like a fresh start because I feel if something goes awry in a session it is copied over the the new session. But this may be a figment of my troubled mind.

    I don't mind korn being gone, it didn't work for me completely anyway since I could not delete mails so I just used it as a notifier. But to manually start volume control is a drag. 

    So I'm defeated. I'll let this sit here for a while, if none of you has any idea, I'll move along to some KDE forum.
    2nd Update:
    I activated "restore session", and see there, both kmix and korn are back. I didn't write "solved" in the subject, since it isn't really solved as I'd like to use fresh sessions, but meanwhile I will go with restored sessions as I lack the abiltiy to fix this bug.

    3rd Update:
    It's solved! When I was editing my KMenu I noticed that there is an option for apps to appear in the system tray. So I went to kmix and korn and indeed that option wasn't marked. Marked it, changed session to "new session", rebooted and there they were in the system tray.

    4th Update:
    If you like to start with a "fresh session" everytime the PC starts and the kmix icon is missing from the system tray, just follow the instructions in this message.

    Happy happy joy joy...

    Re: Kmix and Korn vanished from system tray [update III - solved]

    Thank you, I'v been trying to solve this problem all day. Kudos to you

