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googleearth 4 (beta) for linux ???

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    googleearth 4 (beta) for linux ???

    google earth has apparently been released for linux - still beta of course.

    I've downloaded it, but it's a .bin file, so how do I install a .bin file - I've heard of them, but not come across one until now.


    What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.

    Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

    When you download the Sun JDK it comes as a .bin file. I've had success with
    sh <the bin file>


      Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

      you can also do :

      chmod +x your_bin_file
      then :



        Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

        To expand on what others have already said, If you just want to install it for yourself do

        $ sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin

        and the insatller will install in to your home directory. If you want to install for all users of the machine, or just don't want it in your home directory, do

        $ sudo sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin

        and the installer will install in to /usr/local.

        If you install in to /usr/local you can then do

        $ sudo cp /usr/local/google-earth/googleearth.desktop /usr/share/applications

        And you'll have a nice icon in the Internet section of the K menu.

        Oh, if you do't have 3D hardware accelerated graphics, performance will probably be sluggish.


          Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

          I make "sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin" and it works fine, but the program crash and freeze my pc, now I want to remove it... should i only delete the files or anything more....?


            Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

            There is an uninstall program included with the package. Look in the README file. It didn't work for me either.


              Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

              thanks a lot, in efect the uninstall program works perfect. bad for us the google didn,t


                Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

                I just installed Google Earth, using sudo to install in the /usr/local/ directory . At first it ran fine (right from the installer. I then followed arizonagroovejet's instructions to get a menu entry, however it didn't run correctly. It asked my for an activation key or to run the free version, then didn't show anything when I selected the free version.

                An error message indicate that the program couldn't create a file under the .googleearth directory in my home dir. I checked as saw that this dir (as well as .gnome) were owned by root and locked. I deleted these directories (NOTE: only delete .gnome if it was created by Google Earth and not present before hand, otherwise I'm guessing you might have problems):

                cd ~
                sudo rm -r .googleearth
                sudo rm -r .gnome

                Then I recreated these dirs using my normal user account

                mkdir .googleearth
                mkdir .gnome

                At this point running Google Earth worked fine.


                  Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

                  Wow, dead impressed this made it to Linux. Working very well here.


                    Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

                    Works for me also.
                    However, it already crashed the system twice (got completely frozen)...
                    And I cannot start it as a user, regardless of the fact if I installed it as a user or as root...
                    It always gives a
                    symlink: Permission denied
                    and doesn't start
                    Works fine, though, using
                    sudo googleearth
                    (except for the crashes/freezes...)
                    Anyone knows what is happening?


                      Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

                      bjrnfrdnnd, try the exact steps I gave a few posts earlier. I got the same error, but deleting and recreating the hidden directories under my own username allowed me to run Google Earth as a normal user.

                      Don't know about the crashes though.


                        Re: googleearth 4 (beta) for linux

                        Originally posted by Arkaein
                        bjrnfrdnnd, try the exact steps I gave a few posts earlier. I got the same error, but deleting and recreating the hidden directories under my own username allowed me to run Google Earth as a normal user.

                        Don't know about the crashes though.
                        cheers for that Arkaein - It worked for me.

                        An excellent application 8)


                        What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away! Tom Waits.

