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Opera Webbrowser

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    Opera Webbrowser


    I want to install Opera on Kunbuntu 6.6

    I am new to this distribution. I have downloaded the unbuntu opera, and have tried to install but have dependency problems. Have looked for these and connot find them... xlibsg6 and so on.

    So I wondered if anyone could please point me in the right direction.

    Re: Opera Webbrowser

    xlibs (which some versions of opera depend on) isn't available for dapper.

    Your options are:
    1. install a version of opera that does not depend on 'xlibs' (at least the latest betas shouldn't need might try with a statically linked version, too)...there are a number of different versions available from opera. (recommended)

    2. install 'xlibs' package from the Breezy repositories

    3. edit the .deb package for depencies or force an installation ignoring dependencies.


      Re: Opera Webbrowser

      Thanks for this.

      Does this include packages like the w32codecs not being available yet as well?

      My next Kunbuntu project!


        Re: Opera Webbrowser

        No latest opera 9 still has the dependency problem.

        How do you get to the brezzy depositories?


          Re: Opera Webbrowser

          Originally posted by alec
          No latest opera 9 still has the dependency problem.
          Hmm...I have a version that doesn't need 'xlibs', but mine could be one of the weeklies...and I think there is a version for dapper somewhere deep at '' but unfortunately I don't remember the path at the moment (if you're feeling adventurous you could try poking around)

          How do you get to the brezzy depositories?
          You can (for example) add a breezy repository (temporarily) in your sources.list...probably something like:
          deb breezy main restricted universe multiverse
          should do it (you should disable the repository again when you've installed 'xlibs')


            Re: Opera Webbrowser

            Originally posted by alec
            Does this include packages like the w32codecs not being available yet as well?
            That's another (licensing) issue. wincodecs are not available from (k)ubuntu repositories for any distribution can get it from various third party repositories, I think the penguin-liberation-front (PLF) has it. You can get PLF repositories with the source-o-matic:


              Re: Opera Webbrowser

              There is another way to get Opera (and other software). Use Klik. To learn more about this approach, go to Basically, Klik lets you install programs without concern for dependencies because the programs are all self-contained.

              There is a working Klik version of the Opera 9 Beta that works on Dapper. If you want to try the Klik program, be sure to follow the instructions for Ubuntu users on the page. It is necessary to install a couple of debian packages before Klik will work.


                Re: Opera Webbrowser

                Go to and download the Dapper version of Opera 9 Beta 2. It doesn't have the dependency problems.


                  Re: Opera Webbrowser



                    Re: Opera Webbrowser

                    What's all the fuss about?? Opera 8.54 latest version installs fine on Dapper 6.06 (I've been using it since the release). As I remember, you only have to install the motif libraries. Just use Adept to install;


                    (req to get Java working in Opera and you'll also need to use the update-alternatives script)


                      Re: Opera Webbrowser

                      Originally posted by syd
                      Go to and download the Dapper version of Opera 9 Beta 2. It doesn't have the dependency problems.
                      This is the one that worked some of the others that I tried were depedent on finding dependencies that are not in Dapper's repositories.

                      Being new to Kubuntu will they be added over time. In other words will the dapper repositories cath up with the ones in older versions?


                        Re: Opera Webbrowser

                        Downloading Opera from the official site worked for me. I have a question though, sometimes Opera just crashes when I click some links, it happens about once a day and they are links that I usually go to, so it's seemingly random. Opera just exits and when I start it up again it asks me what I want to do, continue from last time, etc, so it identifies the previous exit as a crash. Has anyone else encountered this?


                          Re: Opera Webbrowser

                          Its probably a plugin problem... edit that sites preferences to change it...
                          thats what i do for myspace...

