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adept problem

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    adept problem

    When i try to start adept it asks for my password then I see this message

    "You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one."

    I've tried rebooting and even started a new blank session and it still pops up.

    ASUS M2A-VM HDMI Motherboard<br />AMD Athlon 64 X2Dual Core Processor 5400+<br />Nvidia Geforce 7950 GX2 Graphics<br />500Gb Hard Drive<br />Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy 64 Bit.

    Re: adept problem

    This happened to me after a disastruous session with EasyUbuntu (a failed Java installation), but I rebooted and was ok.

    Try this:

    Replace gedit with kate.
    Nevermore! Nevermore! - E. A. Poe


      Re: adept problem

      Originally posted by enceladus
      This happened to me after a disastruous session with EasyUbuntu (a failed Java installation), but I rebooted and was ok.

      Try this:

      Replace gedit with kate.
      Thanks enceladus
      I tried this but I'm still getting the locked database error in my first post.

      Shame I only had this installed 2 days... maybe I should reinstall and try again
      ASUS M2A-VM HDMI Motherboard<br />AMD Athlon 64 X2Dual Core Processor 5400+<br />Nvidia Geforce 7950 GX2 Graphics<br />500Gb Hard Drive<br />Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy 64 Bit.


        Re: adept problem

        Not sure if this is relevant but I'm in the UK (so the repositories have gb in the name) and adept has been hanging up for the past couple of days. It's working again but I'm not sure what fixed it: I installed some updates from the updater and I turned the universe/multiverse repositories off and then back on again. I'm not sure if one of these fixed it or whether it was just that the server was down but it's OK again now.

        Your error message sounds as though it is not accepting your password for root privileges, so it may be something different again. Not helpful, I'm sorry.


          Re: adept problem

          The problem may be the presence of lock file that was not unlocked when a package management utility waas closed abnormally. Look for /var/lib/apt/lists/lock and /var/lib/dpkg/lock and /var/cache/apt/archives/lock If necessary, you can use sudo to delete them. I believe having tried it (only) once, that the lock file will be regenerated when you start any package management program, e.g. apt-*, Adept, Aptitude, or Synaptic.


            Re: adept problem

            Had this last night after trying to install Java5 through adept. The installation seemed to stall and gave no indication what was happening. (A bug here or it is a place for the developers to put a warning) After pressing the "details" button, the licence for Java was waiting for me to hit enter (I guess) to accept the licence agreement but after hitting enter, giong back and forth a few times it would not continue so I CTL ALT ESC ed adept. This caused my problem as above.
            Did a >locate lock< and deleted a couple of relevant files. No go.

            This worked for me:
            I ran >apt-get remove adept< and the java installer appeared and I then accepted. It completed. I then ran >apt-get install adept< and all was hunky dory again.

            Good luck.


              Re: adept problem

              You missed a wonderful opportunity. After you uninstalled Adept, you could have installed Synaptic, instead. Synaptic is a tried and true graphical package installer that the Debian project has been using for years. Adept is alpha quality software that the Kubuntu project has been foisting on unsuspecting newbies for the last two releases. They didn't like Kpackage, or Kynaptic, so they went for Adept instead of admitting that maybe, Synaptic should be installed in Kubuntu.

              You can still install Synaptic, of course. You'll never guess which package manager I use.


                Re: adept problem

                Thank to everyone who replied to my post

                if this happens to anyone else here's how I fixed it
                in the console type
                sudo dpkg --configure -a

                and thats it

                thanks again
                going to install synaptic now
                ASUS M2A-VM HDMI Motherboard<br />AMD Athlon 64 X2Dual Core Processor 5400+<br />Nvidia Geforce 7950 GX2 Graphics<br />500Gb Hard Drive<br />Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy 64 Bit.

