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tunepimp lies

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    tunepimp lies

    Using the new (1.4a) amarok with a recompiled tunepimp, I get "Tunepimp (MusicBrainz tagging library) returned the following error: ".mp3 is not a supported filetype." when trying to do a fill in tags using Musicbrainz. However, running trm from the command line gives:

    $ trm
    usage: trm [-i|-l] <audio file>
    -i Print out track metadata along with trm id
    -l Lookup file at MusicBrainz

    BROWSER environment variable to specify your browser of choice.
    Check for details.

    Supported file extensions: .aac .flac .m4a .m4b .m4p .mp3 .mp4 .ogg .wav

    and a test shows:

    $ trm -i 01-big\ electric\ cat.mp3
    Artist: 'adrian belew'
    Album: 'lone rhino'
    Track: 'big electric cat'
    TrackNum: '1'
    Duration: '290420'
    TRM: 6a791268-a1ab-4a9f-aedc-6510c914ecc3

    So what gives? I've tried ldconfig, and even a reboot. It's really quite frustrating. I also had the same problem with 1.3.9 in the dapper release. I recompiled amarok, and that got rid of it, but I'd like to know the actual cause and fill out a bug, if it is a bug.


    Re: tunepimp lies

    Check the file permissions. I've had that problem with a bunch of mp3 files I had just rsynched from my wife's windows machine, over cifs. All had -r-Sr-r-t (no idea what the final t is, time to check man pages), and changing it to ug+w fixed the libtunepimp problem.


      Re: tunepimp lies

      Which files? /usr/lib/libtunepimp*, or trm?


        Re: tunepimp lies

        I meant the MP3 you were trying to tag. But I've found out that changing my mp3 permissions didn't fix the issue, it still happens.


          Re: tunepimp lies

          the problem you have with Musicbrainz is a restricted formats issue

          is a way to fix it


            Re: tunepimp lies

            I have tried that solution and it works wonderfully, BUT, then an apt-get dist-upgrade wants to rewrite over those packages with ubuntu packages. Whoops.


              Re: tunepimp lies

              I will have to look into that, as it does not do that for me


                Re: tunepimp lies

                Originally posted by endo
                I have tried that solution and it works wonderfully, BUT, then an apt-get dist-upgrade wants to rewrite over those packages with ubuntu packages. Whoops.
                I have that same thing happen when I build packages. Never figured out why, and didn't care that much. I usually just build from source, anyway. Which turned out to be my problem, actually, I got too smart for my own good and tried building the 0.4.2 source, then built amarok against that. Apparently, something from 0.3.0 was getting left over and hosing the lookup. Doing a make uninstall in the 4.2 directory, then building from the 0.3.0 source fixed it.

