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Konqueror and tar files

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    Konqueror and tar files

    When I use KDE on a system where I compiled KDE myself from sources, when I click on a tar(.gz,.bz2) file, it opens it in the same tab, with tar:/file... in the location bar. However, in Kubuntu Dapper, it opens the file in Ark.

    Can someone tell me how to configure it to open directly with the tar:/ thing please?

    I tried comparing the configuration for the application/x-tgz mimetype, and the only difference I can see is that on the source-based system, there's an entry under 'Embedding/Service' for ark_part, but that option isn't available under Kubuntu. What am I missing? (my kubuntu system does have ark_part.desktop,, etc, but no "Archiver (ark_part)" option in the add service menu.)

    Thanks in advance.

    Re: Konqueror and tar files

    I'm having the same problems here. And I can't seem to find which package is responsible for adding that service option. It seems that ark_part is part of the kdeutils group, but uninstalling ark itself uninstalls konq-plugins which, according to the description, is responsible also for the tars.

    I'll try to do more searching and see what I come up with.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Konqueror and tar files

      Fixed it. Funnily enough, I was answering someone else's query just now, and needing to find the entry in the Kubuntu FAQ to point them at, when I noticed just below it the solution. Oops Just goes to show, it helps to help people!

      Here's the URL: the second part (rm -r /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/mimelnk/application/) can be done without doing the first part, so you get the nice uncluttered konq window still.

      (Sorry to bump the post, but I thought I should post the solution for the benefit of anyone googling.)

