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Firefox only works for root

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    Firefox only works for root

    After upgrading to Dapper (a process which has made me reconsider the "Linux for everyone" tag that kubuntu lays claim to) I am having problems getting Firefox to run.

    After spending 4-5 hours managing to make KDE start on boot, I now find that Firefox does not start for my personal user.

    I can start it as root using kdesu firefox from konsole, but the Firefox icon no longer works. I have uninstalled Firefox, reinstalled it, tried both the Ubuntu and the Mozilla versions (Mozilla Firefox is currently installed) but it still refuses to start for any user other than root.

    I get a taskbar button with a rotating hourglass for 15 seconds or so, then nothing.

    I figure it's a permission problem - but where?

    Re: Firefox only works for root

    Can you post the output of the terminal command?
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Firefox only works for root

      Originally posted by aysiu
      Can you post the output of the terminal command?
      I have now removed firefox and reinstalled via Adept. This did not work at all (I did not even get an icon).

      $ firefox gives me absolutely nothing.
      $ ldd firefox gives me nothing

      $ /usr/bin/firefox gives me "not a dynamic executable"

      It does not seem to have been installed correctly.

      I tried your script which I found on Ubuntu forums but it did not work either. It installed firefox in /opt/firefox/firefox but lacked 2 dependencies: and another which I don't remember (something like


        Re: Firefox only works for root

        While figuring this out I have moved over to Opera instead.

        Shame that Firefox won't install on my system.


          Re: Firefox only works for root

          If root can launch it but user can't, it's probably just a permissions issue. Do you know what the permissions on your /opt/firefox folder are like...?
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


            Re: Firefox only works for root

            Originally posted by aysiu
            If root can launch it but user can't, it's probably just a permissions issue. Do you know what the permissions on your /opt/firefox folder are like...?
            No, root can no longer launch it. After I removed the intallation made by your script, I tried a manual install. It did not work, so I tried the Adept installation again. It failed, so I removed it. I then tried apt-get install firefox and it tried to install but threw som errors at me (a missing folder I think) and gave up.

            So for the first time in years I have a Firefox-free laptop.

            I moved to Opera and can live with that for the time being.


              Re: Firefox only works for root

              well... when you remove the previous(user installed) version of firefox, it might have taken the folder /usr/lib/firefox with it... just create the folder, and try installing firefox from the repos again... should work


                Re: Firefox only works for root

                I have a similar problem. I get the crash handler box asking if I want to restore and no matter what one I hit firefox immediately cashes. I can run it as a super user from root but it is not the same one....


                  Re: Firefox only works for root

                  I'm having a similar problem. When I try to run firefox from root using kdesu I get the following error:
                  "kdesu cannot connect to X server"
                  GUI icons give no response at all.


                    Re: Firefox only works for root


                    I've managed to resolve my issue with firefox, so this may help I hope. It appears that the command that the firefox GUi buttons were trying to use was wrong. By changing the command to:
                    This got the icons working. Also if you run that from Command it works great. Nice to be using firefox again.



                      Re: Firefox only works for root

                      Originally posted by lexxonnet
                      well... when you remove the previous(user installed) version of firefox, it might have taken the folder /usr/lib/firefox with it... just create the folder, and try installing firefox from the repos again... should work
                      Firefox installs but I don't get a Firefox entry in my KDE Menu. I still can't run firefox as anything but root (kdesu), and it keeps throwing errors at me, like:

                      8933): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride: assertion `pixbuf != NULL' failed
                      (Gecko:8933): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed


                        Re: Firefox only works for root

                        I should add that if I run firefox from command as anything but root, or without kdesu, it just does not do anything.


                          Re: Firefox only works for root

                          Finally some success. I removed absolutely all Firefox-related files I could find (there were tons of them lying around). I also deleted my .mozilla folder (bye bye settings).

                          Then I ran the script and it installed the latest Firefox.

                          I manually added it to the KDE menu with firefox -profilemanager as the startup command to force the profile manager to start.

                          And yes, finally, it works.


                            Re: Firefox only works for root

                            I gave up trying to get firefox to work, I decided to try Opera and it is sweeeeeet I do use Mozilla browser and it works fine as does Konquorer but firefox just crashes when I start it. Oh well, I customized Opera nicely and will use it.


                              Re: Firefox only works for root

                              If you still have firefox installed, try the following commands from a konsole:
                              cd /usr/lib/firefox  <-- puts you in the right directory
                              sudo chmod 755 firefox firefox-bin  <-- makes both firefox startup script and binary executable by all
                              Please omit my comments from the commands.

