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Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

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    Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

    Hi Guys,
    Just installed Dapper on my laptop, very impressed. When i installed breezy i had ALOT of screwing around to get everything to work, from graphics drivers to hotkeys and such, but dapper just worked. awesome. anyway, I'm a newbie so bare with me,

    i want to get Amarok playing mp3s. after some research i found this
    which tells me i need to install libxine-extracodecs, and for k3b mp3 support i need to install libk3b2-mp3.

    i've been using adept and getting pretty familiar with it, i added the multiverse repositories and found the packages. and marked them to install.
    but instead of the usual tag, i see BREAK(install).
    and when i go to apply changes, i get an error message
    "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."

    im stumped and cant find any more info.

    Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

    could it be that you have the amarok-arts package installed?

    I have the extracodecs installed, but when I try to install amarok-arts I get a BREAK. So maybe there is a conflict between the two?

    Just a wild guess. If you have it installed, remove it and try with extracodecs again.


      Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

      Did you upgrade from Breezy or is that a fresh install? If it's a fresh install, what installer did you use? (official release, release candidate, or beta/"flights"?)

      If you upgraded from Breezy, the problem, like what padre999, might be caused by some dependencies that amarok 1.3.8 used before. amarok 1.3.9 and above (Dapper only) uses different dependencies. also GStreamer support is broken in Kubuntu Dapper so only xine works. Here are the packages related to amaroK and xine that I have installed (this is from a semi-fresh install system):


      I have no GStreamer installed.

      Hope that could give you an idea of what's wrong.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

        just for info:

        i am using a freshly installed dapper with amarok 1.4


          Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

          So am I. But Dapper ships with amaroK 1.3.9 only, I think. At least that the way it is in the RC version. You could also try upgrading to amaroK 1.4, but you need to enable the universe repository for that, too.
          Jucato's Data Core


            Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

            Im running a fresh install of dapper, an iso i downloaded on friday (kubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso)
            it has amarok 1.3.9,

            i did have amarok-arts installed, ive now uninstalled it, but still have a problem.

            i tried using apt-get instead of adept to see if i got any more info and i got an error saying that libxine-extracodecs package has a dependancy called libmad0 ver(1.15 something) which is 'uninstallable'. I guess thats my problem, can i find out what repository that package is in? (maybe i dont have it in sources)...or maybe only the newer version is in my sources?? any ideas?

            (ill get the exact transcript from apt-get in a second, unfortunatly ive run into another problem konq wont let me post or log out or anything on this forum! so im back to windoze for a bit)


              Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

              maybe you can try upgrading amaroK to 1.4 first? If you're going to upgrade, make sure you enable universe.
              anyway, libmad0 (version 0.15.1b-2.1) is supposed to be in the main repository. So far I can see that it only depends on libc6 (version 2.3.6-0ubuntu20). So it might be good to check if it it installed or upgraded.

              I'll share with you a neat feature I discovered lately, regarding searching for packages and their details, whether offline or online, in Konqueror. Just type "apt:/" in the location bar. You will be given a choice to do offline search (will only search in your apt/cache) or online (searching in

              Of course, if you're not in Kubuntu, your only bet is checking out the Ubuntu packages website.
              Jucato's Data Core


                Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

                Figured it out.
                turns out i had accidently commented out the main repository *doh*
                everything now works a treat now.

                that is a handy feature, ill have to remember that one.
                thanks for the help guys,
                its all a learning experience.


                  Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

                  I have mine all uncommented and still can not find "libxine-extracodecs" anywhere in adept.


                    Re: Problem installing libxine-extracodecs

                    never mind I figured it out....

