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Do not know how to install firefox

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    Do not know how to install firefox

    Hello my name is Chris I just downloaded Dapper Drake yesterday after using windows all my life I decided to use kubuntu for the laptop I am using now. The OS is amazing but after reading all the introductions on how to install programs, I still do not know how to install applications such as Firefox and am currently using Konqueror to write this message... Can anyone help me? I know it seems so obvious to all of you but all this ./firefox and all that is very confusing to me


    Re: Do not know how to install firefox

    This should help you in general:

    If you prefer Mozilla's Firefox to Ubuntu's Firefox, try this script.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Do not know how to install firefox


      To install firefox:

      You have to use the program Adept for this. It contains a huge libary of software available for kubuntu. To start it go to K-Menu ("Start" button in Windows) - System - Adept.

      When you started it you should check that you have the repositories (these are the online software archives) enabled in adept. To do that go to View - Repositories. There you see several web adresses like e.g. "deb http://..... dapper main". They should not be greyed out. You can rightclick them and choose "enable" if they should be grey. Afterwards press "apply" at the bottom of the window.
      Next thing you have to hit the "reload" button on the top left of the window (the one with the cirular arrows). Now it will load the index of the available software from the internet.
      Next thing you enter "firefox" into the "Search:" field. Then you should see the firefox package in blue in the window section below. Right click on it and choose "Request Install". Then press the "Apply" button on top (the one with the green checkmark). Now Adept should download and install firefox. After it is finished you should find firefox in K-Menu - Internet.


        Re: Do not know how to install firefox

        same thing, but with screenshots:

        there is also a newbie section in the forums...


          Re: Do not know how to install firefox

          thanks alot for the help of Adept. I really appreciate it but it leads to another question how do you open *.run files? i have tried the ./method but for some reason it refuses to open the .run file...


            Re: Do not know how to install firefox

            your discussion helped me as well.thanks alot.


              Re: Do not know how to install firefox

              Originally posted by aysiu
              This should help you in general:

              If you prefer Mozilla's Firefox to Ubuntu's Firefox, try this script.
              nothing more simple...

