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Konqueror View Mode icons missing

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    Konqueror View Mode icons missing

    hello all,

    I just dist-upgraded from Breezy, and it mostly went well, which is pleasantly surprising considering how much I mess with my system. It did a few weird things, like change all my fonts, and it ate KMail. But overall, not bad at all.

    In file manager mode in Konqueror, I cannot find the View Mode icons for any of the toolbars. Anyone know where they went? I use them a lot and I want them back. Yeah, going View -> View Mode -> Whatever is hardly qualifies as a hardship, but still, I want them back.


    Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

    Try this:

    1. backup your ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc file
    2. open ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc for editing
    3. find the entry for the toolbar you want to add it to (for example 'mainToolBar')
    4. add line:
    <ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />
    5. save

    That 'should' do it.

    Here's an example of the entry (from my .rc file)
    <ToolBar newline="true" noMerge="1" name="mainToolBar" fullWidth="true" >
      <text>Main Toolbar</text>
      <Action name="print" />
      <ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />
      <ActionList name="fullscreen" />


      Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

      Sounds like a good solution.

      But in my Kubuntu install konqueror.rc is found in /usr/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc


        Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

        the konqueror.rc in the /usr directory is the default .rc for konqueror. Once your user makes changes to konqueror, it's saved in the ~/.kde directory and takes priority over the one in /usr (meaning KDE will look for it in ~/.kde first before in /usr).
        Jucato&#39;s Data Core


          Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

          Originally posted by padre999
          But in my Kubuntu install konqueror.rc is found in /usr/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc
          Hmm...that's probably because you haven't saved your view profiles in konqueror?

          I think the easiest way is to copy /usr/share/apps/konqueror to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror (and edit from there)

          (the thing is that kubuntu-default-settings:
          override the settings in:

          That's why you need to have the konqueror settings in your home folder


            Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

            konqueror.rc is no longer called konqueror.rc. At least on my system it is called konq-kubuntu.rc and is found as described in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/.

            I did the changes in konq-kubuntu.rc as described above and konqueror shows the view mode buttons now.


              Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

              Yes it seems you are correct. Dapper, I think, has renamed the configuration file for Konqueror from konqueror.rc to konq-kubuntu.rc. Didn't notice that, though, because my Dapper upgrade sort of merged with my previous Breezy setup. I still have the konqueror.rc hanging around my ~/.kde directory, but it seems that konqueror is using the konq-kubuntu.rc one.
              Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                Ah customizations/modifications also date back to breezy, and it seems they changed things around a bit in dapper...glad you found your way around that

                A Tip:
                the konqueror profile files (in .../konqueror/profiles/) have a line like:
                Which sets the rc file for that profile (so you can use different rc files for different profiles if you wish)


                  Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                  Thank you, that fixed it!


                    Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                    Originally posted by kubicle
                    Try this:

                    1. backup your ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc file
                    2. open ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc for editing
                    3. find the entry for the toolbar you want to add it to (for example 'mainToolBar')
                    4. add line:
                    <ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />
                    5. save

                    That 'should' do it.

                    Here's an example of the entry (from my .rc file)
                    <ToolBar newline="true" noMerge="1" name="mainToolBar" fullWidth="true" >
                    <text>Main Toolbar</text>
                    <Action name="print" />
                    <ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />
                    <ActionList name="fullscreen" />
                    So, I edited the konq-kubuntu.rc file, add the line as you mentioned, but nothing is showing up...

                    Here's what my file says:

                    <ToolBar newline="true" hidden="true" name="mainToolBar" fullWidth="true" >
                    <text>Main Toolbar</text>
                    <ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />

                    EDIT: Never mind. It worked! I just had to restart KDE.


                      Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                      Originally posted by SadaraX
                      Here's what my file says:

                      <ToolBar newline="true" hidden="true" name="mainToolBar" fullWidth="true" >
                        <text>Main Toolbar</text>
                        <ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />
                      Probably the 'hidden="true"' part is what's to konqueror and make sure the Main toolbar is visible

                      EDIT: ah, just noticed the edit...glad it worked


                        Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                        Sorry to dig up an old topic but ...

                        I edited my konq-kubuntu.rc as suggested in this thread but I didn't get ALL of the viewmode icons back ... just one (see attached pics of 'good' and 'bad' toolbars.

                        So, let me ask the dumb question: How do I get the original icons back I've tried editing the toolbar but I can't seem to find those icons in there.

                        Any help, GREATLY appreciated!

                        Attached Files


                          Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                          I think konqueror has changed a bit, as it seems the view-mode selection is only a single button (You can still switch to all the different view modes by click-and-holding the single button...and choose the view-mode from the menu)...whether this is a good or bad decision I won't comment, but looks like a compromise between quicker switching and less cluttered toolbars

                          However, you don't seem to have that single view-mode button on your 'bad' that after you added the '<ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />' to your rc?

                          here's a screenshot of what it should look like.
                          Attached Files


                            Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                            Thanks for the reply kubicle. You know, I think I took that screenshot a couple of weeks back when I was looking in to this problem .... So it's not a completely accurate representation of the current problem. Now that you mention it, and looking at the toolbar after adding the '<ActionList name="viewmode_toolbar" />' to my rc, I do have the one icon that you indicated. But I have not tried click-and-holding the single button which I will try next chance I get.

                            I kind of miss the old individual buttons and am hoping I can get back to that but if not, so be it, I'll get used to the new functionality. Sometimes too much change is not a good thing!

                            So, out of curiosity, is this a Dapper Drake thing or a Konqueror (KDE?) thing or what? I just updated to KDE 3.5.5 last night which didn't seem to change it.

                            Thanks again for your response!


                              Re: Konqueror View Mode icons missing

                              For those of you that still might want to fix this in Dapper, go here:


                              and at the bottom of the thread you will see the patch and instructions to run it. Thanks to our friend Kåre Särs for investigating and creating the reverse patch!

                              Don't forget to restart KDE!

