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Administrator mode button in "System Settings" glitchy

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    Administrator mode button in "System Settings" glitchy

    I have noticed that in every version of dapper that I have tried -- I have used every flight and am now using the latest RC -- that clicking on the administrator mode button in System Settings is not always effective. 50% of the time clicking the button will prompt for a password, the other 50% of the time it will just hang.

    Any ideas....

    I used to also have this problem when loading Adept by clicking on the icon in the Kmenu... though it seems to work fine on Dapper RC.

    Re: Administrator mode button in "System Settings" glitchy

    This is NOT a fix, but it is a workaround. Right click on the desktop, click on "run command", enter "kdesu kcontrol", enter your USER password. Kcontrol, which is the non-Ubuntized version of System Settings will come up in Administrator mode.


      Re: Administrator mode button in "System Settings" glitchy

      Strange, as that's supposed to have been fixed in KDE 3.5.2.

      Regarding Adept: Did you update anything? When I first installed Dapper RC and made the first few updates, Adept would not launch from the K Menu, something to do with su. Restarting the pc (not just logging out) seemed to solve it.
      Jucato's Data Core


        Re: Administrator mode button in "System Settings" glitchy

        Strange, as that's supposed to have been fixed in KDE 3.5.2.
        Indeed, and I haven't seen it in Breezy since I updated to 3.5.1 !


          Re: Administrator mode button in "System Settings" glitchy

          I have actually done the latest updates and have since rebooted. The System settings seems to be prompting for the password ever time now. So I guess that I just needed the latest updates.

          By the way, I have installed to hard drive from the liveCD for the last 2 beta releases. I have always wondered if the install from the general Kubuntu installer CD and the LiveCD is 1 to 1. Are there any subtle differences that may be causeing the problem?

          Love the live CD by the way -- though ndiswrapper installed by default would be nice.


            Re: Administrator mode button in "System Settings" glitchy

            I get the same issue. Although with mine the Administrator button in certain sections of the System Settings wouldnt _ever_ work. The rest would off and on, same for Adept and friends.

            That was an upgrade from 5.10 using the upgrade proccess.

            A fresh install so far hasnt failed once. (I am crossing my fingers)

            Oddly enough, on a 5.10 (Installed as Ubuntu, installed kubuntu-desktop later), did the same thing when in trying to start synaptic.

