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Missing GCC

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    Missing GCC

    I junt downloaded the last Dapper DVD and I installed the system but I can't compile anything cause I haven't GCC installeg on the system..

    In the package management I can't find it.. What I have 2 do??

    Re: Missing GCC

    Install the package build-essential to get all the basic compiling tools.
    I would also suggest installing the kdelibs4-dev package, which will install most of the -dev packages you need to get started


      Re: Missing GCC

      i can't find any of the packages you said on the dvd.. where can i donwload them?

      Sorry but i am really noob

      please give me a direct link coz i could only connect with my windows system


        Re: Missing GCC

        Hi Nico

        I am just as new to this as you are, but give this a bash.

        In System | Adept, go to View, Manage Repositories, uncomment/enable the dapper universe repository and make sure to press Apply (I have missed that before)

        Now click on Fetch updates and you should be able to see it after some downloading. It might be worth your while to do some searches in the forum for repositories, aysiu has posted a list a couple of times which is really worth having

        Be careful with what you install from here, if I am not mistaken these packages are "out there" and there is no official support from the ubuntu coders for them, but you can always find help in the forums. I've installed loads of stuff from here, but I may still run into trouble one day, and knowing me, I WILL

        If I am talking nonsense and anyone cares to correct me, please do



          Re: Missing GCC

          Actually, the universe and multiverse repositories are reasonably safe. You CAN get into trouble by downloading the wrong things, but it probably won't be because you enabled the enabled the universe and multiverse repositories. It probably WILL be because you decided to had to have something that wasn't packaged for (K)Ubuntu.


            Re: Missing GCC

            Originally posted by nico402
            i can't find any of the packages you said on the dvd.. where can i donwload them? 

            Sorry but i am really noob 

            please give me a direct link coz i could only connect with my windows system 
            The packages are not available on the dvd, only on the online repositories. So you'll need an internet connection to install them with a package manager...did I understand correctly that you don't have internet available in your linux machine?

            Of course you 'could' download the individual packages needed to compile with another computer/windows and install them with the dpkg command, but this is rather hard since (depending on your needs) you'd need to gather a complete list of packages and dependencies to download them all.

            May I ask why you need the compiling tools? To get your internet connection working?

            If you're new to linux, compiling isn't usually the first thing you need to dive into (unless you're a software developer, compiling is hardly ever necessary these days, most software can be installed with the package managers, which makes your computer much easier to manage) 


              Re: Missing GCC

              Originally posted by kubicle
              Originally posted by nico402
              i can't find any of the packages you said on the dvd.. where can i donwload them?

              Sorry but i am really noob

              please give me a direct link coz i could only connect with my windows system
              The packages are not available on the dvd, only on the online repositories. So you'll need an internet connection to install them with a package manager...did I understand correctly that you don't have internet available in your linux machine?

              Of course you 'could' download the individual packages needed to compile with another computer/windows and install them with the dpkg command, but this is rather hard since (depending on your needs) you'd need to gather a complete list of packages and dependencies to download them all.

              May I ask why you need the compiling tools? To get your internet connection working?

              If you're new to linux, compiling isn't usually the first thing you need to dive into (unless you're a software developer, compiling is hardly ever necessary these days, most software can be installed with the package managers, which makes your computer much easier to manage)
              i need the tools because i am switching to linux mostly to code on a different OS and to make exp with it.
              Tomorrow i'll buy an ethernet modem so i can download the packages i need and finally start my switch to linux in a serius way

              Thanks 2 all anyway

              BTW why the compiler isn't included in the release?


                Re: Missing GCC

                BTW why the compiler isn't included in the release?
                Because most users don't need or use them. This does not mean that you can't use Kubuntu for development. I code in C, C++, Fortran, Bash, and Python on my Kubuntu box. There are also GUI development systems like Qt and Kdevelop that you can use for graphical app development.


                  Re: Missing GCC

                  You can also code in Pascal as well.



                    Re: Missing GCC

                    Originally posted by nico402
                    BTW why the compiler isn't included in the release? 
                    as askrieger said, most people have no need for it...and although one might think it would be easy to squeeze GCC on the disk, for effective compiling you need other tools and -dev libraries which you'd have to download anyway (as there is no point in putting them all on the single disk)


                      Re: Missing GCC

                      You can also code in Pascal as well.
                      "But why would anyone want to?". he snickered.

                      But seriously, you can also program in Java see this Wiki entry


                        Re: Missing GCC

                        I know it sounds odd to say Pascal. It is a powerful language especially after FreePascal.Org group released what they've developed.

                        Glad to hear that Java can as well!


                          Re: Missing GCC

                          I actually learned Pascal AFTER I learned C, because some people I was collaborating with wrote all their code in Pascal. I found the syntax clumsy and inconsistent, and, as a lousy typist, I disliked all the extra keystrokes in begin ... end vs. {...} causing even more typographical mistakes than usual in my code.


                            Re: Missing GCC

                            pffft, C, Pascal... HTML + CSS all the way*

                            * = Naw, I'm just too lazy to learn programming languages by myself, that's why I'm taking a course to learn this stuff next year (oh dear God! Grade 10!)
                            <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                              Re: Missing GCC

                              That's the biggest thing with any language. Syntax. Of course I'm use to Pascal. The {} has actually confounded me. Had to get use to that when doing Flash Scripting. It is hard having to switch back and forth.

                              Love the fine print Nirvana!

                              Any way, enough of that here. Thanks for the conversation.

