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Kubuntu version?

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    Kubuntu version?

    I have downloaded 6.04 and have upgraded religiously. Had some brain damage and messed up my source list and tried installing 6.06 beta 2, crashed multiple installation trys. Went back to 6.04 and upgraded. Now have transferred all my files and have everything works great. I really don't want to go thru another installation. What version of Kubuntu do I have now and what will I have after the official release in June considering that I will upgrade everyday. Thanks in advance.

    Re: Kubuntu version?

    you have 6.04 with updates. you do not have 6.06 and you will not automatically have it when it is released. if you want that you will have to do a dist-upgrade (or the gui equivalent) someone please correct me if i am wrong.


      Re: Kubuntu version?

      Keep doing this command every day and you'll have 6.06 on release day:
      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
      Make sure that you always have the kubuntu-desktop metapackage installed until June 1. After June 1, you can remove it if you like.
      Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


        Re: Kubuntu version?

        I must be doing something rite. Under help kubuntu release notes say 6.06 LTS Dont know what the LTS is? I really have had no problems with Adept (and occasional brain lapse). I have all checks filled in with the exception of maintainer. (default). KDE gui allows me to do anything I ever did with MS, better, but I can't fine Kubuntu-desktop metapackage. How do I check that and what is it? I really dont mind installing Kubuntu when it works. I'm sure the installation crash will be gone upon release. I just don't want to re-install all my files again. Even at usb 2.0 it takes awhile.


          Re: Kubuntu version?

          KMenu > System > Konsole
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


            Re: Kubuntu version?

            LTS = Long Term Support
            Dapper will be supported for five years

