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amarok 1.4....

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    amarok 1.4....

    i installed amarok 1.4, and when i try to load it from the konsole i get the following error:
    "amarok: error while loading shared libraries: libkdecore.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

    what does it mean, and how can i fix it? thanks,

    Re: amarok 1.4....

    Try write libkdecore in adept.
    Perhaps you find a package.


      Re: amarok 1.4....


      The libkdecore is to my knowledge part of the kdelibs4 package, that lies thus:-

      /usr/lib/ kdelibs4-dev
      /usr/lib/ kdelibs4-dev
      /usr/lib/ kdelibs4c2a
      /usr/lib/ kdelibs4c2a

      check you have kdelibs4-dev and kdelibs4c2a loaded?

      There are three kinds of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.


        Re: amarok 1.4....

        how do i tell if its loaded or not? it doesn't show up the kde sys guard.....
        and how do i load them if they aren't?


          Re: amarok 1.4....


          Open up adept and type in kdelibs4 this will show you if they are installed or not, if not then select them to be installed. (Maybe I should apologise in that when I said LOADED I should have said INSTALLED, sorry.)
          I have attached an image to illustrate what I rather badly described above.  As you can see from the image they are loaded on my system, if they are not on yours, then you would right click on the ones you want to install then select ' ' Request Install'
          Attached Files
          There are three kinds of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.


            Re: amarok 1.4....

            Originally posted by Bukunut

            Open up adept and type in kdelibs4 this will show you if they are installed or not, if not then select them to be installed. (Maybe I should apologise in that when I said LOADED I should have said INSTALLED, sorry.)
            I have attached an image to illustrate what I rather badly described above. As you can see from the image they are loaded on my system, if they are not on yours, then you would right click on the ones you want to install then select ' ' Request Install'
            i've already checked that, they are installed


              Re: amarok 1.4....


              I am sorry that did not help. Which engine have you got installed for Amarok ? Have you got amarok-xine installed?

              EDIT:  OK, I have just tried running Amarok from console and it crashed, If i start the app, I have always done so from the icon from the menu. What happens if you start Amarok from the Icon, does the problem occur then? I am looking at the feedback now... will be back.
              EDIT2: OK, I have no problems whatsoever starting KDE > Multimedia > Amarok starts perfectly. However if I do the route of the Konsole then I get the following error... LOL
              This backtrace appears to be of no use.
              This is probably because your packages are built in a way which prevents creation of proper backtraces, or the stack frame was seriously corrupted in the crash.

              (no debugging symbols found)
              Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".
              (no debugging symbols found)
              0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
              #0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
              #1  0xb697c56b in ?? ()
              #2  0xb5648760 in ?? ()
              #3  0x00000000 in ?? ()

              I do not know what to suggest at this point other than seeing what happens if you start Amarok through the way through the menu route or try installing another engine. Sorry mate, I am trying to get some more information from the system for now, what it does show me is that I cannot start Amarok by konsole (crashes) but have no problems starting via the icon in the menus.

              There are three kinds of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.


                Re: amarok 1.4....

                Originally posted by Bukunut

                I am sorry that did not help. Which engine have you got installed for Amarok ? Have you got amarok-xine installed?

                EDIT: OK, I have just tried running Amarok from console and it crashed, If i start the app, I have always done so from the icon from the menu. What happens if you start Amarok from the Icon, does the problem occur then? I am looking at the feedback now... will be back.
                EDIT2: OK, I have no problems whatsoever starting KDE > Multimedia > Amarok starts perfectly. However if I do the route of the Konsole then I get the following error... LOL
                This backtrace appears to be of no use.
                This is probably because your packages are built in a way which prevents creation of proper backtraces, or the stack frame was seriously corrupted in the crash.

                (no debugging symbols found)
                Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/".
                (no debugging symbols found)
                0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
                #0 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
                #1 0xb697c56b in ?? ()
                #2 0xb5648760 in ?? ()
                #3 0x00000000 in ?? ()

                I do not know what to suggest at this point other than seeing what happens if you start Amarok through the way through the menu route or try installing another engine. Sorry mate, I am trying to get some more information from the system for now, what it does show me is that I cannot start Amarok by konsole (crashes) but have no problems starting via the icon in the menus.

                loading from the kmenu doesn't do anything. just get the loading app for about 20 seconds, and nothing....
                i have amarok-xine installed,
                i also had gstreamer0.10, then uninstalled it to see if it would change anything (it didn't)

                as my original error says, "libkdecore.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" i checked /usr/lib/ and libkdecore.4 is not there...i reinstalled kdelibs and kdelibs4 in hopes that would do something, unfortunately, it didn't.


                  Re: amarok 1.4....

                  the file it is giving the error is actually called, which is a link to the file, do you have those? I don't think there is an issue with a missing file, somehow Amarok itself seems to be broken

                  try deleting or renaming the folder /home/<your-username>/.kde/share/apps/amarok and the file /home/<your-username>/.kde/share/config/amarokrc and see if you get the same error.

                  Then try reinstalling amarok if you haven't already :
                  From Adept, find amarok, then right-click on it and select reinstall


                    Re: amarok 1.4....

                    Originally posted by claydoh
                    the file it is giving the error is actually called, which is a link to the file, do you have those? I don't think there is an issue with a missing file, somehow Amarok itself seems to be broken

                    try deleting or renaming the folder /home/<your-username>/.kde/share/apps/amarok and the file /home/<your-username>/.kde/share/config/amarokrc and see if you get the same error.

                    Then try reinstalling amarok if you haven't already :
                    From Adept, find amarok, then right-click on it and select reinstall
                    tried changing it, didn't do anything (yes, reinstalled). i noticed, when installing the helix player though, i get the same error, except the file is now "" instead of the one amarok couldn't load. is there a chance my installation is borked...?


                      Re: amarok 1.4....

                      one more thing. i downloaded amarok and did ./configure. it went fine. then, however i typed 'make'...and it said "command not found"....huh? how does that work?


                        Re: amarok 1.4....


                        Instead of downloading and making the file, why not try the new version from the repositories? (I appreciate you are getting errors in other media players too, when did you last dist-upgrade your system? )
                        The 17th May saw the 1.4 Amarok released ( and you can add the following line to dapper source list to get the new Amarok...

                        deb dapper main

                        Would this not be the easiest method of all?.

                        ##CLAYDOH: would sudo apt-get build-dep amarok be of any use here under the circumstances of the errors ?

                        There are three kinds of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.


                          Re: amarok 1.4....

                          Originally posted by Bukunut

                          Instead of downloading and making the file, why not try the new version from the repositories? (I appreciate you are getting errors in other media players too, when did you last dist-upgrade your system? )
                          The 17th May saw the 1.4 Amarok released ( and you can add the following line to dapper source list to get the new Amarok...

                          deb dapper main

                          Would this not be the easiest method of all?.

                          ##CLAYDOH: would sudo apt-get build-dep amarok be of any use here under the circumstances of the errors ?

                          i already tried getting it from the resptories.....but was confounded w/it not working. so i then tried to compile it in hopes that it would work better that way
                          but, i got it to compile, and have amarok working now. so my problem is solved 8)


                            Re: amarok 1.4....


                            Excellent. Glad it is working now! Interesting that it would not work from the repos
                            Anyhow, best wishes.

                            There are three kinds of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.


                              Re: amarok 1.4....

                              Originally posted by Bukunut

                              Excellent. Glad it is working now! Interesting that it would not work from the repos
                              Anyhow, best wishes.

                              well, it "works" as in starts up, but i only have the xine engine, and it seems that its always being used by something else... i have gstreamer0.10 installed, but its not an option to use as an engine...and arts as i believe isnt supported in 1.4...

