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directory nog accessible ( sudo cd )

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    directory nog accessible ( sudo cd )

    Hi all,

    I have this issue... I extracted a couple of directories from a zipfile and they are owned by root:root . and not available for others. The problem is that I cannot use sudo to get into these directories because when I do a
    sudo cd backupdir
    it says :
    sudo: cd: command not found
    Ofcourse I can always use chmod and chown to get access, which is what I did... but It's odd that sudo , which gives you root privileges, cannot cd to a directory that is owned by root.
    Anybody know if this is either a bug or a design flaw, or if I just messed up my install? ;-) Or maybe there is a very good reason for not having cd available to sudo .. please explain.

    Re: directory nog accessible ( sudo cd )


    For me it's quite natural not to have access to cd command. I explain myself :
    sudo is not a shell, it's making one shot commands without keeping notes of where you are, if you would do :
    you're in /home folder and you type :
    sudo cd toto
    sudo ls -l
    you would still be in /home
    If you want to behave like in shell, you should sudo sh
    and then it will be a root shell (so handle with care)



      Re: directory nog accessible ( sudo cd )

      Thanx.. it makes so much sense I'm almost embarrased I asked LOL
      Always used to login in as root for admin tasks.... where ofcourse you have the shell and commands like cd available.
      Thanx again !


        Re: directory nog accessible ( sudo cd )

        A question is never bad, it's good to get clear ideas of concepts like this


