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NTFS Mount strange problem

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    NTFS Mount strange problem

    i'm running Kubuntu Dapper flight 5 (beta). I mounted correctly a NTFS file system, added the line in ftab. When i browse the NTFS file system it all works fine, but as soon as i enter my Music folder which has more than 24 gb of files to read, the system starts slowing down and the gui starts hanging...i move the mouse and every x seconds it hangs for less than 1ms(or whatever). I run glxgears and it of course hangs also giving really slow frame rates. the only thing i can do is reboot the system. to avoid this problem i open xmms and access files without actually browsing the file system with KDE. It really seems as it is a kde issue. Notice that i had this problem also with kubuntu breezy and only when opening big folders with a lot of files. Can someone help on this? I'm on ext3 filesystem, i also tried it on reiser but had the same problem. Any help will be reeeeeally appreciated!!!!!!!

    Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

    I'm pretty darn sure that I've read somewhere about a weirdness that Konqueror has when accessing directories with a whole lot of files. That's probably it. The fact that it's NTFS probably doesn't help much either. Try using another file manager like Krusader. I find krusader to be leaps and bounds better than Konqueror anyway.

    This theory also fits in with your story because you don't get the slowdown when using XMMS to browse your library.


      Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

      ok i'm downloading krusader ! i'll try it and let u know


        Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

        no krusader has the same problem. i then installed gnome and found out that it had no problem. this means it's a kde problem..... I hope they fix it out 'cause i really don't like gnome....not because it's not good but i simply don't like it!


          Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

          Originally posted by bulletxt
          no krusader has the same problem. i then installed gnome and found out that it had no problem. this means it's a kde problem..... I hope they fix it out 'cause i really don't like gnome....not because it's not good but i simply don't like it!
          That's very strange. Sorry it didn't help at all. I always found Krusader to be a lot snappier and quicker than Konqueror.

          I know what you mean about Gnome. I can't stand it.


            Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

            i just hope "they" know about this problem and solve it as soon as possible. the strange thing is that with suse 9.3 everythinh worked well, i don't remember but i think it was kde 3.4 or something like that


              Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

              i'm running on kde 3.5.2 and just opened my music folder with Nautilus... and there is no problem....what is this! konqueror has this bad buuuuggg


                Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

                It's not the total size of the files, that counts it's the total number of files that causes a slowdown. It may also be slower to read the directory on an ntfs file system than an ext3 or reiserfs system. My largest directories /usr/bin (2138 items) and /usr/lib (2244) come up in around 3 seconds. My ~/Music directory (1547 items) comes up in about 2 seconds. My guess would therefore be that with 4 x the total size, your directory should come up in around 8 sconds. If your computer is about the same speed as mine (~3 GHz).

                There may be a bug in Dapper(5) if it takes significantly longer thatn this. You should report it to the Dapper packaging crew via


                  Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

                  Originally posted by askrieger
                  It's not the total size of the files, that counts it's the total number of files that causes a slowdown.
                  That's exactly what I said. Read my post above. :P


                    Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

                    Indeed you did.


                      Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

                      Originally posted by nrwilk
                      Originally posted by askrieger
                      It's not the total size of the files, that counts it's the total number of files that causes a slowdown.
                      That's exactly what I said. Read my post above. :P
                      Bleh. Sorry about this, but I had no intention of this comment being so mean.

                      I think I had been tired when I posted it.

                      Forgive me, I hate it when that happens...


                        Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

                        I should have pointed out that I was following up your point with some numbers so that the O.P. could determine whether his system was actually performing badky or not. I apoologize for not saying so.


                          Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

                          my system is ok, otherwise nautilus wouldn't work fine. and otherwise suse 9.3 would have the same problem....instead it works fine


                            Re: NTFS Mount strange problem

                            But the question was whether KDE in Kubuntu was working as well as could be expected or not.

