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Ubuntu to Kubuntu

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    Ubuntu to Kubuntu

    Hi, I changed from ubuntu to kubuntu (dapper-drake test5)by installing kubuntu-desktop and various other kde selections, my problem is i can't seem to get mp3 playback with amarok. I have installed all the codecs whick I have in the past, gstreamer, xine win32 codecs etc, but nothing seems to work. The only success is with Juk and akode, but thats not my prefered choice.I can't preview my mp3's from konquer either.

    Thanks for any help.

    Re: Ubuntu to Kubuntu

    Have you checked if amaroK is using the proper engine? (Settings > Configure amaroK > Engines)

    EDIT: I think you need these packages installed, depending on what engine you are using:
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Ubuntu to Kubuntu

      Yes , i have all relative engines and plugins installed, amarok engines are
      installed, and selected in amarok. I have done this all before with breezy and hoaray and had no problems. When i select a track to play from an album it just skips past them, in the settings everything is selected. May be some got lost in the transition from ubuntu to kubuntu? I know for a fact i have every plugin and engine installed, from gstreamer to akode.
      I did download kubuntu test 5 in a hope to fix this, but it always fails MD5 checksum after burning @ 2x.


        Re: Ubuntu to Kubuntu

        Are you sure that you have all the relevant plugins? In Synaptic, try Search Names and Descriptions for MPEG. It may be that the appropriate multimedia packages for restricted formats arae not yet available for Dapper.


          Re: Ubuntu to Kubuntu

          yes, i tried installing anything remotely related to mp3, but no luck, 'm confused as to how Akode works with juk?


            Re: Ubuntu to Kubuntu

            There is a file called like xine-addons or xine-addon-codecs in the repositories.....i couldn't play mp3's in amarok 1.4 until that file was installed.

