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KDE + Xgl + compiz

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    Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

    Originally posted by Dirk
    Originally posted by nrwilk
    Originally posted by Dirk
    everything works now
    Awesome!  I'm glad you got it to work!   
    the problem is that i dont have title bars
    Oh man, that really sucks.   

    I'm sorry but this is as far as I can help you.  Try posting about it again in the thread at  That thread is incredibly active, so your previous post could possibly have been overlooked.  But, that's also a good thing.  Lot's of eager people who want to figure out any and every bug.

    I hope they can help you find a fix better than I have. 

    Good luck!


      Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

      ill try to find if there are updates
      and install those


        Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

        You're going to love me. I found the answer.

        I was trying to install gentoo, and I borked my entire harddrive, including my Breezy install, my Dapper install, and my Mepis install. ARG!

        Now that I've reinstalled Dapper, I found that I was having the same problem with Compiz that you are having, with no window decorations.

        I searched a bit, and I've found the answer!

        It was posted by DeeZiD, who has another Xgl/Compiz howto on

        Before you do anything, if you have the problem where Compiz does not show up in gconf-editor, then you need to run compiz without gconf as an argument. If you DO have Compiz appearing in gconf-editor, then skip this and continue with number one below. Do this:
        sudo killall compiz.real gnome-window-decorator -9
        and then,
        gnome-window-decorator & compiz --replace decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher opaquefocus
        After those commands, continue with the rest of this mini-howto.

        So, the following is hijacked straight from his thread found here:

        Follow the howto by chadwick359, and then do this:

        1. kill compiz.
        sudo killall compiz.real gnome-window-decorator -9
        2. open KDE's window decorator
        kwin &
        3. open gconf-editor
        G_SLICE=always-malloc gconf-editor
        4. remove the value which is responsible for this bug
        In gconf-editor, go to apps>compiz>general>allscreens>options and remove the "active plugins" line by right-clicking on the item and selecting "unset key."

        5. restart compiz
        gnome-window-decorator & compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher opaquefocus
        That's all! You will have to restart the xserver after this, but it will work well from now on. To restart the xserver, hit <ctrl><alt><backspace>.

        Note: this method was developed by DeeZiD, but this version is in my own words.

        Worked for me! I hope it works for everyone else who's experiencing this problem!

        another note: You'll notice that the command which DeeZiD uses to start Compiz is different than the one chadwick359 uses. I put the one from DeeZiD into my equivalent of the thefuture script (the one which you have in your ~/.kde/Autostart directory). I don't think that this makes any difference, but I just wanted to note the difference.


          Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

          One other note. Due to several bugs which revolve around gconf-editor, you must use the following command to start it:
          G_SLICE=always-malloc gconf-editor
          If you use this command, the bugs will never rear their ugly heads.

          NOTE: It has since been said that these bugs are fixed, but I'm not sure. I haven't tried the new versions yet.


            Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

            thank you!

            ill try it when im home


              Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

              i dont have anytime to try this

              my ****ing damn motherboard died :-X


                Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

                Originally posted by Dirk
                i dont have anytime to try this

                my #&%$ing damn motherboard died :-X
                Oh man, that sucks! > :P

                Let me know how it goes when you replace it.


                  Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

                  today i borrowed a motherboard from a friend(asrock K7S8X)
                  but he didnt know if it worked, and it didnt work

                  so i still cant
                  test it until i have enough money for a new Socket A motherboard


                    Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

                    Originally posted by Dirk
                    i still cant test it until i have enough money for a new Socket A motherboard
                    It's a good thing that mainboards aren't TOO much money.

                    Hope you get one soon!

                    Also, if I'm not around fast enough when you do get around to it, you can use the new Xgl/Compiz/eyecandy forum located here:

                    It's run by ubuntu people, so there are familiar faces and avatars.


                      Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

                      im getting one tomorow
                      for 25 euro's from ebay like site(,wich is owned by ebay)


                        Re: KDE + Xgl + compiz

                        Hello all

                        Here's a link to my KDE + Xgl + Compiz Howto. I have it running on my AMD 2500 system Nvidia 6600GT


                        Hopefully it might help someone out also check out


