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Autofs problem

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    Autofs problem

    Dear All

    my server setup
    Debian Sarge version and its nfs server
    we exported some folders including /home to client pc.

    Knoppix 3.5 (Remasterd)
    Kubuntu fiesty.

    my problem is :-We are using a centralised storage system using NFS server in Debian sarge.All users are logged in this pc and all data are stored in this pc.Till last one week we are using remastered knoppix and all NFS server exported directories mounted using autofs (Automounter).in knoppix automounter work without any problem.We replaced knoppix to kubuntu fiesty .The problem arise after that.
    In kubuntu fiesty automounter working and we got all exported folders.
    but unfotunatly whenevr we change any hardware (NIC,HDD etc) and reconnecting same ,after rebooting exported folders not seen in the client.but automounter is working.reinstlalling the Kubuntu solves the problem,But it is not true solution.Any one to have any solution please help