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Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

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    Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

    There doesn't seem to be a Firefox upgrade to 2.0 in the Dapper repositories (unless I've missed it). Does anyone have any suggestions about the best way to upgrade? I can download from and install it manually if necessary, but I'd rather do it by the "normal" update procedure if possible.

    Or should I just upgrade the whole system to Edgy or Feisty?

    Re: Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

    Use this to update Firefox. Works great have used many times
    Registered Linux User #418555<br />Kubuntu User #9254<br /><br />aptosid 2010-01 Xfce / aptosid 2010-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Wheezy Xfce / Kubuntu 10.04<br />aptosid 2011-01 Xfce / aptosid 2011-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Testing Gnome<br />Debian Sid Gnome<br />Epidemic 3.2<br />ALL pulseaudio free by default


      Re: Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?


      I would go with that.
      I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


        Re: Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

        Ubuntuzilla will work on Dapper, Edgy, Feisty no problems at all.
        Registered Linux User #418555<br />Kubuntu User #9254<br /><br />aptosid 2010-01 Xfce / aptosid 2010-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Wheezy Xfce / Kubuntu 10.04<br />aptosid 2011-01 Xfce / aptosid 2011-01 KDE-Lite<br />Debian Testing Gnome<br />Debian Sid Gnome<br />Epidemic 3.2<br />ALL pulseaudio free by default


          Re: Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

          The .debs from here appear to work too.



            Re: Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

            I JUST did this not an hour ago. I was having issues and asked a friend to provide me with a noob-proof walkthrough. I've done it...working fine. Hope this helps:

            As for installing firefox... First, go to and download the latest Firefox. Second, remove (the instlled version) it from your system by going to Adept and unchecking the box next to Firefox. Now go to K->System->Konsole and start a console session. Type the following:

            mkdir software
            cd software
            mv ../../Desktop/firefox- .
            tar xzf firefox-

            I'm assuming that when you downloaded Firefox, it went to your Desktop. If you saved it somewhere else, you'll have to change that third command.

            At this point you've created a directory (called "software"), you moved the Firefox compressed archive to the new directory and then you decompressed the archive. You should now have a new directory called "firefox" inside the "software" directory.

            Just to see, type the following:

            cd firefox

            If Firefox starts up, you're golden. If instead you get some kind of error message about libstdc++.o.5 or something like that, type the following:

            sudo apt-get install libstdc++5

            After you get that installed, once again type


            and now it should work just fine.


              Re: Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

              Hi all

              I'm really new to Linux, so forgive me if my questions seems really dumb .

              I've been facing the same issue as the OP, and trying to follow the step by step guide provided by Cptr13, to whom i'm much thankful for writing it.

              Originally posted by cptr13

              As for installing firefox... First, go to and download the latest Firefox. Second, remove (the instlled version) it from your system by going to Adept and unchecking the box next to Firefox. Now go to K->System->Konsole and start a console session. Type the following:

              mkdir software
              cd software
              mv ../../Desktop/firefox- .
              tar xzf firefox-

              I'm assuming that when you downloaded Firefox, it went to your Desktop. If you saved it somewhere else, you'll have to change that third command.

              At this point you've created a directory (called "software"), you moved the Firefox compressed archive to the new directory and then you decompressed the archive. You should now have a new directory called "firefox" inside the "software" directory.
              As far as the directory creation everything went fine, after i typed the following line as suggested :

              root@xxx:~/software# mv../../Desktop/firefox-
              and the answer i always get

              bash: mv../../Desktop/firefox- Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
              (=no folder or file of that kind - my computer is set up in French)

              If i type what i first thought was written, i.e.
              root@xxx:~/software# mv ../../Desktop/firefox-
              (with a space between mv and the first dot), i get another kind of error :
              mv: opérande du fichier cible manquant après '../../Desktop/firefox-' pour en savoir davantage, faites "mv --help"
              (=target file missing, after '../../Desktop/...', for more information type "mv --help").

              I did what was suggested but couldnt understand what was said.

              Any thoughts? or key to get out of this mess ?

              Thanks a lot,



                Re: Firefox 2.0 for Dapper?

                I just upgraded to Firefox2, and I followed this tutorial:

                I used the manual install. It was very easy, and only took me a few minutes. Hope this helps!


