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network icon

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    network icon

    When rebooting the netword does not automatically connect to the internet. I click on the network icon in the upper panel and have to choose "wired connection" right clicking the symbol indicated that the enable network choice is checked. The manual configuration shows all is well.
    Help, it's driving me crazy...

    Re: network icon

    The only thing I can think of is checking in System Settings=>Network Settings go into admin highlight the nic and click on configure and make sure the box that says "activate when computer starts" is checked. Otherwise try use a live cd to see if you have the same problem. The only other things I can think of is creating a script to automatically start nic on start up.


      Re: network icon

      I have two nic cards. Both are enabled. Only one nic has a ip address and is checked to start with the computer. I winder if I have to do the same with the other. As far as I know I am only using the one nic which is connected to an ethernet switch.


        Re: network icon

        Could you please post the contents of /etc/network/interfaces (as a whole) ...?


          Re: network icon

          # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
          # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

          # The loopback network interface
          auto lo
          iface lo inet loopback

          # This is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces.
          # They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem.
          # auto eth2

          # The primary network interface
          # iface eth0 inet dhcp

          # iface eth1 inet dhcp

          iface eth2 inet dhcp

          # auto eth1

          auto eth2

