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How to set Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu 6.10

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    How to set Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu 6.10

    I have installed Vista First on my C: drive (i.e. hd0,0) and Kubuntu on hd0,6 an ext3 partition and hd0,7 is swap partitions where as all other left are Fat32 partitions.

    On installation of Kubuntu I have lost Vista, but i saw on a tutiorial available at first that how can i add entry in grub. I have tried it even also i tried the another option of NTFSFix found at nothing happened. So i thaught i should use Vista boot loader but to save these installation and save time i tried by booting with win98 bootable floppy and use the command fdisk /mbr which delete the master boot record and then booted with Vista installation cd that it will find the error and correct. Nothing happened I lost all the operating systems.

    SO i intall vista again and the Kubuntu is installed on the same place but no where in boot i can install kubuntu again so i will lost windows again.

    Is the dual boot possible.

    I didnot change any option during installation of Kubuntu just manually edit partitions and selected the partition i have set for Kubuntu not the root not the swap neither any boot loader.

    Is there any solution to add Kubuntu entry in Windows Vista boot loader by BCDedit or EasyBCD 1.6 etc.

    I will glad to hear anything.

    Re: How to set Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu 6.10

    Can you use the live cd to navigate to /boot/grub/menulist?

    If so try adding this:

    title Vista

    I'm reading this from Linux Magazine, May 2007 issue. They also mention EasyBCD1.52, the front end for Bcedit.

    Good luck
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: How to set Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu 6.10

      Thanks for the reply but now i m not going to install GRUB again manually and I have to look at lot of topics. I m looking for some solution Like Kubuntu is Listed with Vista and running.

      Unfortunately I have used EasyBCD 1.6 and 1.5 it does not do anything at all.

