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Sound Delay

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    Sound Delay

    I'm experiencing a delay of about 1s before sounds are played. The delay occurs in a few SDL applications (Nexuiz and Neverputt), and in perhaps in KDE itself (there is a delay between pop-ups and the notifying sound, but this might just be the way KDE is supposed to act). There is no delay, however, when using aplay. I'm quite inexperienced with configuring sound in Linux (usually it 'just works'), and so don't really know how to go about fixing this. Any pointers or links to resources where I can learn to fix this are very welcome. Of course, if anyone has a way to fix this straight a way, that'd also be very welcome

    I'm also sure I've left out some crucial information here. Are there any commands I should print the output of, or any version numbers that would be useful?

    Update: It turns out that there is no delay if I use libsdl-oss, but the sound quality is a bit choppy. Oh well.