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MySQL Query Browser

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    MySQL Query Browser

    I installed the MySQL Query Browser and find that the application closes when I attempt to create or modify a table using Schemata | Create Table however if I type directly into the Query area something like >CREATE TABLE pet (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20));< the table is created just fine.

    I have tried using both AND localhost for the Server Hostname, both result in the Query Browser closing (crashing) if I use the graphical "Create Table" approach. Any ideas of how to solve this problem? I am running Server MySQL 5.0.22-Debian_Obuntu6.06.2-log and Client Version 5.0.19


    Re: MySQL Query Browser

    Yeah, I had that to...
    Now I have installed (form repositories) 1.1.18, and it no longer happens... what version of the querybrowser are you using?



      Re: MySQL Query Browser

      I am using QB version 1.1.17 which I recently got from the repository using Adept. Are you running Kubuntu 6.06? I noticed a thread at which implies there was a problem on Ubuntu machines which used the QB obtained from repositories but that if downloaded from MySQL as a .tar the problem was resolved. I tried that but get an error as follows:

      The actual installation path of mysql-query-browser is different from the
      expected one. Please run ./mysql-query-browser --update-paths (as the root
      user, if needed) to have the installation directory updated.
      root@Student8:/home/ray/MySQLQB/mysql-gui-tools-5.0# ./mysql-query-browser --update-paths
      Updating mysql-query-browser installation paths...
      root@Student8:/home/ray/MySQLQB/mysql-gui-tools-5.0# ./mysql-query-browser
      Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
      Xlib: No protocol specified

      (mysql-query-browser-bin:6341): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

      ==== I don't understand all of the above but the bottom line is that the QB will not work.

      Where and when did you get version 1.1.18, perhaps that is what I need. Please confirm that you are running on KDE Kubuntu.




        Re: MySQL Query Browser

        Version 1.1.8 is in the Edgy repositories.

        I have it installed too (Edgy Kubuntu) by default.

        If you are using dapper, you can try enable backports repositories.

        If it has not been backported, you can try to download from the Edgy repos by hand mysql-query-browser.deb and mysql-query-browser-common.deb and try to install them. Maybe their dependences are meet by Dapper.

        Have you tried to run it without being root or just with kdesu?



          Re: MySQL Query Browser

          I have enabled backports on dapper but still cannot find V 1.1.18. I have looked through the Edgy backports list and do not see mysql-query-browser.

          I have tried running 1.1.7 from non-root permissions and it still crashes. Any other ideas?


