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mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

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    mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

    I know mkv is just a container and most of the files inside are xvid. I thought it did play mkv but I was wrong.

    Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

    Nobody? Read 19 times but nobody has answered? Was the question too hard or what? I didn't place it in the right forum or something? Come on, I NEED to know this. I need to know lots of stuff like what codeces packages to install to make this system usable.
    You know I am NOT really impressed with Kubuntu so far. I had to spend 3 hours JUST to figure how to play mp3s. I dont see how everyone is just rushing to nstall Ubuntu/Kubutu. Maybe they ARE but I bet over 60% of people are wiping it from their ahrd drives after a few hours. What is the % of users who actually stick with it? Come on I wanna know this


      Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?


      As you said, I don't really get what you want to know, is it how to install codecs ?
      If yes the answer is here (or at least should be ) :

      By the way, I'm using kubuntu from 2 years, 'cause for me you can really change it to look as you want and install new software as easily as to say it

      Hope it helps


        Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

        I KNOW how to install codeces i want to know what codex to install to be able to watch mkv movies. also when i try to apt-get win32 codec i get an answer there is no such available.


          Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

          About mkv:
          Here matroska is playing fine (kaffeine/xine). I tried with this short clip: klingon_anthem_3sub_font.mkv (1.2M) from .

          Have you tried vlc. From Matroska news (
          Our menue system has been finalized some time ago, but unfortunately there is still no complete playback solution available for it. Best support is currently offered by the great VLC player...

          But until this could prove to become a viable alternative for us, robux4 is very busy working on the implementation of perfect MKV playback support into VLC, the great opensource player of the Videolan group. This excellent mediaplayer had MKV support for a long time already, but now robux4 is working since several weeks already to add all the missing elements to allow playback of matroska files with editions, chapters, etc. including full menue and tagging support...

          About w32 codecs:
          Hmm - I downloaded w32 codecs from plf
          Penguin Liberation Front

          It tells now:
          PLF Ubuntu new maintainers

          New maintainers for PLF Ubuntu were found, more info once everything is set up again.

          PLF ubuntu shutting down

          The PLF Ubuntu project is shutting down, due to lack of time of its maintainers. New volunteers are welcome.

          This project is now being maintained by Lionel Le Folgoc ( mr_pouit, on
 ), more info to come.

          Hmm #2 - You could try:

          Cerkinfo Debian Repository


 -> sources list: deb sarge main or
          Direct link: -> w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb (13.6M) download and install it.

          Hmm #3 - Do you have libxine-extracodecs installed ?
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

            the libxine-extracodecs seems to have done the trick, yes. MKV files play now(some of them anyway-h264 movies don't want to open up yet.).Thank you.


              Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

              Hmmm... 19 view and 0 replies? out of 16,680 users you might find that 19 of those probably would not have the answer. Couple that with the fact that most computer users don't have a clue as to what a codec is, the probability of 30 users knowing the answer to your question is fairly low.

              Nobody? Read 19 times but nobody has answered? Was the question too hard or what? I didn't place it in the right forum or something? Come on, I NEED to know this. I need to know lots of stuff like what codeces packages to install to make this system usable.
              You know I am NOT really impressed with Kubuntu so far. I had to spend 3 hours JUST to figure how to play mp3s. I dont see how everyone is just rushing to nstall Ubuntu/Kubutu. Maybe they ARE but I bet over 60% of people are wiping it from their ahrd drives after a few hours. What is the % of users who actually stick with it? Come on I wanna know this
              sarcasm and empty threats are unappreciated.
              I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.


                Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

                I doubt that MOST computer users dont know what a "codec" is. And since the average linux user is obviously above an average Windoze luser then your claim becomes even more ridicilous.
                Please point out where my exactly my "empty threats" are.


                  Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

                  Originally posted by hoyeru
                  Nobody? Read 19 times but nobody has answered? Was the question too hard or what? I didn't place it in the right forum or something? Come on, I NEED to know this. I need to know lots of stuff like what codeces packages to install to make this system usable.
                  You know I am NOT really impressed with Kubuntu so far. I had to spend 3 hours JUST to figure how to play mp3s. I do not see how everyone is just rushing to nstall Ubuntu/Kubutu. Maybe they ARE but I bet over 60% of people are wiping it from their ahrd drives after a few hours. What is the % of users who actually stick with it? Come on I wanna know this
                  With wording like this I am surprised anyone wanted to help you. If you are not impressed or as I see it, do not have the patience, go back to windows where things work out of the box. Linux is for anyone willing to learn, primarly on their own. Installing codecs have been written about many times on this forum including wikis and documentation on You must remember this is open source so do not expect assistance right away. If you want immediate help you must call someone and pay for their time.


                    Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

                    hm, and I thought Kubuntu/Ubunto was JUST SO easy, ANY average computer user could install it and use it and be happy using it and be able to use it with NO real problemS. That's what every web site out there is saying. Was I wrong or was I misslead?? (that was the ONLY reason I d/led it and installed it). I Yet here you say it's for people who enjoy learning and are willing to learn on their own.
                    Hm, maybe I should write a review of Kubuntu and run some kind of poll to see what % of all the people who d/l and install Kubuntu and Ubuntu actually stick with it more than a few weeks/months. Would be really interesting, dont you think?

                    contact me at and tell me.


                      Re: mkv video files: what codec do i need to install?

                      It is easy. RTFMs. People are sold on Windows and feel comfortable using it. Linux has a similar problem as Mac OSX does. It is completely different and most people do not want to invest more time to relearn an OS. In the same fashion it took many months to become comfortable with Windows it will take just as long when using a new OS such as Linux or Mac. If you would have bothered to google it you would have found the unofficial ubuntu guide and you would not had have trouble installing codecs. I am prejudging you but I feel you lack any patience and want people to bring it to you.

                      I write on this forum simply because I am a self learner and it took me 2 years to fully migrate to Linux and ditching Windows. I still dual boot just in case Linux goes bad, which it will, but on the other side Windows can go bad too and I still have Linux to rely on. I like to explain how easy it can be just as long as you RTFM from the beginning and most of your questions can be answered. There will be instances where you will need to ask a question on any forum but before you do, google it and more than likely your question has been answered many, many times such as installing codecs. All the problems I ever had with Linux has been already been talked about and there is no reason to ask the same question again.

                      on a side note you really need to brush up on your people skills. Your language indicates you are hard to deal with.

