1.7ghz p4
160gb, 80gbprimary, 40gb on pci card hdd western digital
256mb ddr pc2700 ram
pioneer dvr 111d dvdrw
issc bluetooth usb dongle
1394 pci card
ultra promise 133tx2 pci
airlink+ pci wireless awlh3025
intel 82801 south bridge
intel onboard 82845 video
realtek ac97 onboard audio
anyone have any ideas as to why i can not install programs or hardware in kubuntu.
when i use the cli it says can not unmask
sudo mount /dev/hda1/mnt/windows/ -t ntfs -o ro unmask=0222
1.7ghz p4
160gb, 80gbprimary, 40gb on pci card hdd western digital
256mb ddr pc2700 ram
pioneer dvr 111d dvdrw
issc bluetooth usb dongle
1394 pci card
ultra promise 133tx2 pci
airlink+ pci wireless awlh3025
intel 82801 south bridge
intel onboard 82845 video
realtek ac97 onboard audio
anyone have any ideas as to why i can not install programs or hardware in kubuntu.
when i use the cli it says can not unmask
sudo mount /dev/hda1/mnt/windows/ -t ntfs -o ro unmask=0222