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Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

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    Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

    I have installed Knetworkmanager in order to switch between two networkcards (one on-board gigabit card and one pci card). The reason is that sometimes the on-board nic does not find connection to the internet.
    I have activated the second card in the System settings. The terminal program shows under ifconfig two working nics. However Knetworkmanager doesn't see any network device
    Internet connection is up.
    What is going wrong?


    Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

    Hello again, my friend.

    The usual cause for this behavior is conflicting settings between the /etc/network/interfaces file and knetworkmanager.

    In order for knetworkmanger to work, all manual settings in the above file must be removed or commented out, and you must be using DHCP on your network. Here's a post that explains better: Network Interfaces Switching (Solved)

    For example,
    # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
    # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
    # The loopback network interface
    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    # This is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces.
    # They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem.
    # map eth1
    # map eth0
    # The primary network interface
    #iface eth1 inet dhcp
    #iface eth0 inet dhcp
    #iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    Mark<br />Kubuntu 8.04 on IBM X41T/ Pentium M LV 1.5 GHz/1GB DDR2/60GB HDD/Dual-boot with Windows XP Tablet Edition<br />Kubuntu 6.06 on Shuttle SD11G5 mini-server/ Pentium M 2 GHz/1 GB DDR2/80 GB notebook HD/500 GB SATA II HD


      Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

      I can't save the changes of the interfaces file in kate as a normal user, and I can't login as root. If I try it says that it is not allowed. I have tried anything in the system settings where you can change a lot of things in the start-up screen and the users but still I can't login as root


        Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

        Ubuntu/Kubuntu normally locks the root user account and instead uses the sudo utility to perform root user operations.

        To do anything as root, prefix your command with sudo like this:
        sudo {command}
        You will then be prompted for your password. Enter your user password and the command will execute. Sudo has a timeout feature; you will not be prompted again for your password if you execute another root command using sudo within 15 minutes.

        To execute a kde graphical program as superuser, for example to run Kate as superuser, use kdesu instead of sudo:
        kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces
        This is probably different from the way that your other Linux distribution worked, so it may take some getting used to. I came over from Red Hat and hated the sudo system at first. Now the advantages of this method are fully apparent to me and it feels natural. The advantages/disadvantages of sudo are discussed in the Ubuntu Wiki.
        Mark<br />Kubuntu 8.04 on IBM X41T/ Pentium M LV 1.5 GHz/1GB DDR2/60GB HDD/Dual-boot with Windows XP Tablet Edition<br />Kubuntu 6.06 on Shuttle SD11G5 mini-server/ Pentium M 2 GHz/1 GB DDR2/80 GB notebook HD/500 GB SATA II HD


          Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

          Hallo Koloo,

          I have commented out all the ethernet commands in the interfaces file and restarted the computer. My nics are not activated (no internet connection and also visible in systemsettings-internet connections, but still knetwork doesn't find any wired device.
          Something I forgot?


            Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

            knetwork manager requires that your network interfaces all use DHCP. Does your wired ethernet network have a DHCP server?

            More info here.
            Mark<br />Kubuntu 8.04 on IBM X41T/ Pentium M LV 1.5 GHz/1GB DDR2/60GB HDD/Dual-boot with Windows XP Tablet Edition<br />Kubuntu 6.06 on Shuttle SD11G5 mini-server/ Pentium M 2 GHz/1 GB DDR2/80 GB notebook HD/500 GB SATA II HD


              Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

              yes they have


                Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

                Just carefully re-read your posts and have a question. Are both of your NICs wired ethernet adapters, or is one wired and one wireless?
                Mark<br />Kubuntu 8.04 on IBM X41T/ Pentium M LV 1.5 GHz/1GB DDR2/60GB HDD/Dual-boot with Windows XP Tablet Edition<br />Kubuntu 6.06 on Shuttle SD11G5 mini-server/ Pentium M 2 GHz/1 GB DDR2/80 GB notebook HD/500 GB SATA II HD


                  Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

                  The box contains two wired ethernetadapters, one onboard Realtek RTLL8111B (motherboard asrock 939SLI32-eSATA2) and one RTL8029 PCI card.
                  The reason I wanted the networkmanager is that I prefer the onboard gigabit card for file transfer in the local network and future more powerfull adsl.
                  The onboard card can often not obtain an IP adress from the server.
                  Asrock has sent me a new motherboard, because they thought it was a hardware problem, but that did not solve it.
                  Under system settings I see both cards, but the onboard card is switched off.
                  When I switch it on manually and switch the pci card off I have no internet connection.
                  No idea how this could interfere with the networkmanager. The networkmanager operates correctly in suse though.
                  The instruction mentioned 3 steps however, the first being:
                  to take down your internet connection (ifdown)
                  I did not know what to do here.
                  Can you explain


                    Re: Knetworkmanager doesn't see network devices

                    I am not sure whether knetworkmanager was desiged to automatically manage two wired ethernet adapters. The documentation on the package is rather sketchy, at least the parts that I've read.

                    I think that it's overall design philosophy was to automatically manage a wired and a wireless adapter on the same machine. When you connect a wired ethernet cable to your laptop, for example, knetworkmanager detects this and automatically brings down the wireless adapter and brings up the wired adapter. The reverse happens when you disconnect an ethernet cable; the wired adapter is brought down and the wireless adapter is brought up. Also it gives you a way to select between wireless access points.

                    On my laptop it works exactly as described above. But I'm not sure what it will do when you have two wired adapters.

                    You may have to resort to removing knetworkmanager and then managing your wired adapters manually. You would do this by entering the desired information in the /etc/network/interfaces file. You could do a:
                    man interfaces
                    to get details of how this file works.

                    To bring down a connection you would enter the following. Let's assume that your two network adapters are eth0 and eth1 and you desire to bring down eth1:
                    sudo ifdown eth1
                    To then bring up the other adapter you would enter the following:
                    sudo ifup eth0
                    The ifup command should start the network adapter and query your network's DHCP server for the networking parameters. Or, if your parameters are fixed you could enter them in your /etc/network/interfaces file.

                    The other forum for Ubuntu is much more active, so perhaps you could search there for posts that are similar to how you want to set up your two network adapters and find further help.
                    Mark<br />Kubuntu 8.04 on IBM X41T/ Pentium M LV 1.5 GHz/1GB DDR2/60GB HDD/Dual-boot with Windows XP Tablet Edition<br />Kubuntu 6.06 on Shuttle SD11G5 mini-server/ Pentium M 2 GHz/1 GB DDR2/80 GB notebook HD/500 GB SATA II HD

