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slow response and connectivity

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    slow response and connectivity

    Hi all

    I just joined this forum - however i've been on ubuntu since the warty days - so far no complaint - great work - awesome support!

    i've been upgrading along the way and switching between gnome and kde - this has been a very good learning experience.. until now.. sorta hit a road block.

    i first upgraded to dapper a couple of months ago (gnome) and found that my internet connectivity was okay - plugged directly into my dsl modem. However azureus started hanging. I had a switch available - tried that.. it worked half the time.. very weird.

    So i resumed myself to buying a router - Zonet broadband switch router.
    this has in the process opened up my connectivity with Azureus - but slowed down my internet connection. The speed isn't in the download rate - it's connecting to a page - you have to wait sometimes up to a minute before firefox or konqueror (tried both) connects.

    so - i read everything i could in the forums (gnome) no help really.

    I re-formatted my computer as follows: sda1 - win2000 (please no comments... i had to for work purposes)
    and sdb1 Kubuntu dapper.

    My internet connection is the same for both OS - the connectivity under Windows is very quick and under Kubuntu still as slow as Dapper gnome. So i know that it isn't a hardware problem.

    To add to my misery - i installed aMule - and found that the connectivity is low priority because of a possible firewall/router.... >

    I logged into my router and opened ports for azureus and amule... no success....

    1- is this an ethernet driver problem?
    2- was anything updated since hoary in that respect - i never had these issues with hoary.

    thanks to all the supporters out there...

    Re: slow response and connectivity

    I bet its the router, or rather your router does not like ipv6, and Kubuntu has that enabled by default. I would try disabling that:

    Also, you might want to try adding your isp's dns settings to the networking settings, even if you are using dhcp on the router


      Re: slow response and connectivity


      unfortunately i won't be able to try this option, my splash screen doesn't come on.. i tryied downgrading the xserver as per the blog stated.. but to no avail..
      I've had a lot of difficulty so far with this version - and i really don't know why. It took me quite a while to actually get the nvidia driver to install properly - i tried from adept.
      then apt-get
      finally i downloaded the driver from, killed kdm, installed and it seemed to be okay until now i can't even get in... arghhh..

      tonight i will do a fresh install and implement the changes.

      thanks for the reply.


        Re: slow response and connectivity


        Ok - i did a full re-install and update.
        I disabled ipv6 and still the response is very slow.

        i decided to check the name resolution problem and i think that's it.
        I entered the ip for my work server and the page loaded up faster than i can say boo.. same thing for the google ip.

        can someone help me out - i've figured out what the issue is i just don't know the solution.

        tx guys


          Re: slow response and connectivity

          First you will need to get the DNS server info from your ISP, then enter that info:

          In system settings, you will just need to edit your network settings and add in the DNS server IP's you got in the Domain Name System, in the center section labeled 'domain name servers'. If you have an entry there already, you can either move it to the bottom, or delete it


            Re: slow response and connectivity

            thanks a million man.
            it's now worth paying for high speed!

