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no outgoing mail with postfix

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    no outgoing mail with postfix

    I'm following up my post from the weekend. I'm setting
    postfix, fetchmail and mutt for my e-mail. Thanks to
    help over the weekend, I can now receive my mail.
    But when I try to send my email, it gets rejected and
    bounced back to me.

    When I inspect the returned message, I see that
    the intended address '' is correct.
    If the 'To:' address is correct, then I assume the
    problem is that the message is not getting sent
    to ''.

    What I would like to do is direct my outgoing mail
    to the Verizon mailserver ''
    and let that server handle fowarding my out going

    Does anyone know how I can direct my email
    to the Verizon server?

    Thanks in advance.

    Jim Anderson

    I'm attaching the entire message from the mail daemon.

    Re: no outgoing mail with postfix

    Fortunately for me, I don't see your attachment. That allows me to respond without being prejudiced by inconvenient facts. Instead I can ask whether you configured your mail transfer agent properly for your upload. Many ISPs use a different address for their smtp servers than they do for their imap or pop servers. If you are new to this smtp host, you might have configured without reading the fine print. Alternatively, and I'm inclined to think more likely, if you're new to Linux and/or postfix, you might have configured it improperly.


      Re: no outgoing mail with postfix

      You asked if I set up my up my MTA correctly
      for uploading my outgoing mail to my
      ISP. I'm guessing 'no'.

      I'm new to postfix and I'm not too familiar with the
      email protocols. I know that my incoming mail
      is delivered from Verizon from a pop3 server.
      I'm not sure what protocal is supported on their
      outgoing server, ''.
      I thought generally outgoing mail is directed to
      an smtp server. So wouldn't ''
      be an smtp server?

      Interestingly, no were in my configuration process
      did I define the address of ISP server for outgoing
      mail. I'm don't know where this should be defined
      for postfix.



        Re: no outgoing mail with postfix

        The smtp server might be called something like smtp.*.*.com. Also, in order to find a place to enter that information, I would imagine that it goes into Postfix's configuration file. Without knowing how to read or write, as my first boss used to say, I would guess that it's called postfix.conf and that it's in /etc or some directory under /etc/. I'd google to find a Postfix HowTo because, in the fine Debian tradition, I'll bet that the people who wrote the postfix-doc package don't know how to read or write.


          Re: no outgoing mail with postfix

          I did some more checking and the server is an smtp server.
          So, it looks like the configuration is the problem.

          I've found a few documents on postfix, but it is not
          clear to me where and how I direct outgoing
          mail to that server. I'll review again and see if it makes
          more sense this time.

          Thanks for the encouragement.



            Re: no outgoing mail with postfix

            And just a side note that 'outgoing' server might be using port 587 and use TLS or SSL in its session. My XP / Outlook pop and smtp email used this for 'verizon-yahoo' email.


