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No Wireless networks showing in Knetworkmanager

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    No Wireless networks showing in Knetworkmanager

    Hi guys,

    i'm completly new to Linux (less than a week) and have installed the Kubuntu Dapper Drake distribution on my PC. I have a problem with getting Knetworkmanager to see any wireless networks. I can see my wired networks perfectly. However, i only get the option to 'Enable' or 'Disable' my wireless network and no other wireless settings. Everytime i start my pc i get the message "network manager is now disconnected" and the icon in the system tray has a little red cross in it's left hand corner.

    My wireless works fine using the standard wireless lan manager in the Internet (once i manually connect after every boot up). I have the bcmwl5.inf file installed for my belkin f5d7000 nic.

    Does anyone have any ideas what i can do to get the wireless side of knetworkmanager working?? I've search through these forums and in google but haven't had any luck. Thank you in advance.

    Re: No Wireless networks showing in Knetworkmanager

    Hi, it sounds like (with the presence of an inf file) that you are using windows drivers via ndiswrapper. If you are using native Linux drivers for the wireless nic, you can enable it to activate when the computer starts by selecting the box in System Settings - Network Settings. NOTE: You have to click the Administrator Mode button to edit connections. I have found that ndiswrapper appears to slow down the system and is a little buggy. If you are using ndiswrapper for your card, go here for a good start on things


      Re: No Wireless networks showing in Knetworkmanager

      Hi there,

      I followed these instructions as best as i could but still couldn't get knetworkmanager to see any wireless networks. Do you have any other ideas of what i can be doing wrong

      i also have already got my wireless network to activate at start-up but i still manually have to connect to it on every reboot.

      Thank you for your time...


        Re: No Wireless networks showing in Knetworkmanager

        Hi, maybe this will be helpful. I am using LinkSys card supported by Dapper 6.06 and these are the entries in my conf files

        /etc/network/interfaces reads as follows
        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback

        auto eth0
        iface eth0 inet dhcp

        auto eth1
        iface eth1 inet dhcp

        auto eth2
        iface eth2 inet dhcp

        auto ath0
        iface ath0 inet dhcp

        auto wlan0
        iface wlan0 inet dhcp

        iface ra0 inet dhcp
        wireless-essid your essid for wireless
        wireless-key your wep key

        auto ra0

        /etc/iftab reads as follows
        # This file assigns persistent names to network interfaces.
        # See iftab(5) for syntax.

        ra0 mac xxxxxxx arp 1
        the x's above would be your nic mac address

        Check this out also.

        Mine was a breeze. Been so long that I will have to find my notes.


          Re: No Wireless networks showing in Knetworkmanager

          The program, network-manager, for which knetworkmanager is a GUI front end, does not use the /etc/network/interfaces file to set up a connection. In fact, if your interfaces file is intact from the installation of Dapper, Knetworkmanager will not work.

          You must choose between knetworkmanager and the standard configuration programs in Dapper. You can't have both.

          To make knetworkmanager work, you'll need to edit your interfaces file by commenting out all but the loopback settings. If you leave in the settings for eth0 or eth1 or wlan0, knetworkmanager won't work. Place a # sign in front of those lines that configure those interfaces. As an example, here's my /etc/network/interfaces file:
          # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
          # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
          # The loopback network interface
          auto lo
          iface lo inet loopback
          # This is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces.
          # They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem.
          #	map eth1
          #	map eth0
          # The primary network interface
          #iface eth1 inet dhcp
          #iface eth0 inet dhcp
          #iface wlan0 inet dhcp
          Notice, again, that the loopback lines are left alone.

          To make changes to the /etc/network/interfaces file, you'll need to run:
          sudo kwrite /etc/network/interfaces
          After you've saved those changes, you can reboot. See if knetworkmanager now picks up the wireless networks and connects.

          If it doesn't, and you want to go back to your earlier situation, then go back and edit the interfaces file by removing the comment marks (# signs) that you put in. Then save the file. You will probably not have to reboot for those changes to take effect.


            Re: No Wireless networks showing in Knetworkmanager

            Thank you for the correction randcoop. I must be confused about dapper programs dealing in ethernet versus intranet. As you can see, I am still learning too. I had a heck of a time getting wireless to my router but from help here, got it going. Thanks too all. Kubuntu ROCKS.

