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Sharing folders from NTFS (in Linux) to WinXP

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    Sharing folders from NTFS (in Linux) to WinXP

    Hi all,

    Recently made the jump to try Kubuntu, so I setup a dual boot on my XP machine. Kubuntu was smart enough to pick up on my NTFS partitions, and mount them properly under /media.

    But I would like to share the NTFS partitions on my lan (read-only). I created a user, and an smbuser, and from the XP machine, I can login and see the home folder. I created a sym link (ln -s publix /media/hde1/myPublic/) in the smbuser's home folder, and can travers this sym link from the Linux machine (using the same user/smbuser account). But from the XP machine, the sym link doesn't even show up.

    Any help?

    Re: Sharing folders from NTFS (in Linux) to WinXP

    Can you explain your setup again? I think you are saying:

    Dual Boot Linux/XP --> Lan - Desire to share NTFS partition from this box to the lan

    what flavor are the boxes on your lan? XP?/Linux?/MacOS?/BSD? etc..

    also, what have you been able to do and what cant you do that you want to do...?

    in order to share an NTFS partition on a machine running Kubuntu, you have to set that filesystem up as a network share... SMB/CIFS or NFS, most likely...

    to have the same filesystem shared on the same box but with XP running, you have to configure said filesystem as an SMB/CIFS share under XP...

    with some more details, I think I can help you get up and running


    Q aka Matt

