I'm running Kubuntu on my laptop connecting through a ZyXEL router to broadband. I had it all configured and working nicely. Then yesterday I tried to set the laptop up to connect to wireless at my work. Eventually I did this through my Broadcom wireless card. Now I find I cannot get access to the net through the router at home. Is there any reason why setting up for wireless should disempower the wired network? I can't think of anything that I did that should have affected the router connection.
Any help appreciated.
I'm running Kubuntu on my laptop connecting through a ZyXEL router to broadband. I had it all configured and working nicely. Then yesterday I tried to set the laptop up to connect to wireless at my work. Eventually I did this through my Broadcom wireless card. Now I find I cannot get access to the net through the router at home. Is there any reason why setting up for wireless should disempower the wired network? I can't think of anything that I did that should have affected the router connection.
Any help appreciated.