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linux noob cant get on the internet

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    linux noob cant get on the internet

    i just installed the latest version of kubuntu and upon loading it up, i cannot connect to the internet at all. my network card is installed properly (from what i can tell) and all the network settings appear to be correct, im using dhcp, btw. i have a cable modem hooked to a hub then into a router, and ive tried a direct connection to from the modem to the computer and its still the same problem. i can boot windows and connect to the internet without any issue, but kubuntu just wont work. please help! im not sure what info you need, as i stated im very new to linux. your help is appreciated.

    Re: linux noob cant get on the internet

    Well, being just as noobish I have the following observation to add to your issue:
    Originally I installed the kubuntu dapper 6.06 - 64 bit version (athlon 3500+64) and everything was fine. Then I read that i had swapped minimal performance gains for some compatibility losses, tried to install the dapper 6.06.1 - x86 version and hit your problem. The live CD connected fine, but the installed system always returned "unknown computer this or that".
    Fearing that the parallel windows i put on at the same time might be in some incomprehensible way responsible i retried the original 6.06 - 64.
    Here I am, internet with no problems.
    So if you might be using an AMD64 CPU and running the x86 system on it, it just MIGHT be your ticket to switch to the 64 bit system.
    But don´t take my word for anything but what it is - something that worked for me, but nothing that I could say why.
    Maybe some guru could shed light on this...

    best of luck



      Re: linux noob cant get on the internet

      Just want to make sure that after booting into Dapper you reset your cable modem. Cable modems often need to be reset for different computers and/or OS's. If you do reset the modem, give it thirty seconds or more before turning it back on.


        Re: linux noob cant get on the internet

        mb i wrong but check you rout setings and diging on this way//mb this is your solution
        and post what display youur command in terminal $route


          Re: linux noob cant get on the internet

          i too have the same prbelm can run from cd but not from
          installed program.there is nonetwork connection.all ip
          addresses seem the same -
          router on just no connection.


            Re: linux noob cant get on the internet

            interesting development in my issue. i got so frustrated i just left it for a couple weeks, plus ive been busy, havent had much time to sit down with it at home. anyways, it seems my internet will work for 3-5 minutes, if i unplug it from the router and plug it back in. it'll work temporarily and then stop and wont work until i unplug it again. perhaps this info will be the key to cracking the case. any help is appreciated.


              Re: linux noob cant get on the internet

              As anvd23 said, Check your routing table. I think the routing table changes
              after the 3-5 minutes and screws up your Internet connection. On one of my systems
              my gw to the Internet is but the system wants to set the gw to my router
     so I have to run a script using the following command to correct the problem.

              sudo route add default gw wlan0 ### for my wireless connection
              sudo route del default gw wlan0 ### delete router gw

              Hope this helps

              Note: I found the following thread at Ubuntu that is the workaround for this problem.


                Re: linux noob cant get on the internet

                i gave up on dapper drake and installed mempis which
                then connected to the internet first time.
                a reinstall of dapper drake still failed to connect.
                (error was zeroconf not running). i dont know why but mempis worked.

