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Magic Broadcom 43xx Support With New Kernel?

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    Magic Broadcom 43xx Support With New Kernel?

    I haven't tried WiFi *nix in a while and I haven't tried Linux in a while.

    Lately I've been searching for a Linux distro that I could:

    A. Understand how to install (I.E., FBSD/Debian Installer Ezness to SuSE Ezness)

    B. Have WiFi that isnt uber-configuration intensive (I understand ndiswrapper fine, but all the distros I've tried it on it hasn't worked even when it has detected the card and ESSID).

    I was wondering two things about the bleeding-edge Kubuntu:

    A. Are broadcom WiFi cards magically supported and automagically configured? (I doubt this, but it'd be nice if you said yes ^^)

    B. Has it been confirmed that ndiswrapper will run them (and actually RUN, not just load the drivers...)

    I'm growing tired of Broadcom, but I'd think that with the reverse engineered chipset features we'd have a driver that works by now (and supposedly we do ^^)


    - I have tried the Live Kubuntu 5.1 now. It has no ndiswrapper that I can find and iwconfig shows nothing (nor ifconfig). However, I figured that the live version isn't bleeding-edge, so I'd still like to know if the newer version works with my card?

    Re: Magic Broadcom 43xx Support With New Kernel?

    Plese search the forums (the third of the seven blue buttons above the text) I found 21 references to BCM 43xx (not counting references to specific Broadcom cards. All the most recent ones report success. There's also a BCM43xx page on the Ubuntu Community Help Wiki. Seek And Ye Shall Find!

