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After update, no wifi

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    After update, no wifi

    Downloaded and installed latest version of Kubuntu on a clean HP Pavilion computer. It picked up the wifi card and all I had to do was give it the key. Everything worked great. I have to hand it to Kubuntu for being able to achieve this so seamlessly.

    After a couple of reboots because of installing other non-network hardware, everything was working well. Ath0 and all of it's setting were always present when I checked. I disabled the eth0 card early on.

    The final step was to allow the automatic update to update 100 packages. Everything went without a problem. I shutdown and the next morning when I booted, I had no wifi card listed under Networking. All of my settings for Ath0 were gone!

    It won't even detect that there is a wifi card installed in the computer.

    'lspci' shows the Atheros Ethernet card, but has 'unknown device' in description.

    'auto scanning' of the network doesn't detect the wifi card, only the eth0, which showed up active (not disabled).

    So, I reinstalled Kubuntu again from scratch. It configured the wifi card and everything worked right again. I ran the update again and it broke.

    Any ideas what caused the updating of the packages to break the wifi networking or how to troubleshoot it further or things to test?

    It has an onboard eth0 that shows up but the ath0 doesn't after the 'security updates'. 'ipconfig' only has loop and eth0. 'iwconfig' says 'no wireless devices'.

    I'm a little light on wifi troubleshooting. Thanks for any ideas.

    wifi: D-Link DWL-G510
    Kubuntu 6.06
    HP Pavilion 450n

    Re: After update, no wifi

    I have the same problem. I'm looking for an answer, and if I find it I will try and let you know. The only solution I can offer right now, is boot into the older kernel. That is what I did and my wifi works. I'm on a Toshiba laptop with a DWL-G630 AirPlus card. I just did a clean install as well, and was surprised it worked. I entered my wep and worked great. After the update, same deal, it doesn't even show it as an option. HELP! - Just boot into the previous kernel for now.

    John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


      Re: After update, no wifi

      In /etc/apt/sources.list,

      Make sure you have the "restricted" repositories added. Generally this means just adding the word "restricted" to the ubuntu repositories:

      deb dapper-security main


      deb dapper-security main restricted

      Your wifi drivers may be in the restricted repos. What this means is that, probably, as part of your "update", your kernel was updated but it couldn't add in the restricted drivers into the new kernel.



        Re: After update, no wifi

        Is it restricted as in illegal restricted, or restricted as in, not to be distributed? I don't understand why it is restricted. I would feel better about trying it if I knew what this 'restricted' thing is. Thanks for the info.

        John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


          Re: After update, no wifi

          Ok, here is a good explaination of all that:

          And to make a long story short, I tried it and IT WORKED!!! Thank you BEEMER, that was a great solution.

          John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

