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Intel3945ABG DHCP issues on Acer 5612

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    Intel3945ABG DHCP issues on Acer 5612


    I have some confusion with the Intel 3945ABG wireless networking on a new Acer 5612 (Centrino Duo, 1G ram, 80GB) running Dapper as a clean installation.

    On startup, the wireless network is *never* found although the adaptor appears as eth1. The wireless assistant will *sometimes* return and connect, after which no problems. Sometimes connection is refused; no reason given.

    Using ifdown and ifup it appears that the system is hanging waiting for the DCHP ack; sometimes this will connect, more often it times out with no DHCP lease supplied.

    The network is reasonably simple; a Linksys WAP54 wired/wireless point with one of the wired ports feeding a smoothwall firewall which hides the internet away. On the network are a wired desktop PC (okay in W2K and Ubuntu), a wireless laptop with a Linksys PC 11Mb card (ok in W2k and Kubuntu Dapper), a different wireless Acer (don't know the chipset) which is ok in XP (no linux installed). The DHCP server is provided by the Linksys with a 20 minute lease - something I have not yet tried is changing that to let the smoothwall server hand out IP addresses. I had a good reason which I no longer recall The wireless network is WEP protected.

    The behaviour of the 5612 is the same irrespective of any/all other connections being removed; however, when wired the DHCP ack is returned immediately every time. /etc/network/interfaces matches that of the other laptop.

    The fact that it works *sometimes* suggests that all the static data is correct (link name, WEP data etc); the fact that it works *every time* with a hard wire suggests that something in the driver for the chipset is perhaps malforming the DHCP request but I'm blowed if I can see how.

    What further information would assist in resolving this issue?

