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wlan0 not connecting to WEP - ARGH!!!

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    wlan0 not connecting to WEP - ARGH!!!

    Hi from the newbie.

    I have been using Linux for some time now, mainly Mandrake and SuSE. However I switched to Ubuntu a few months ago and more recently kubuntu Dapper Drake. So much better.

    Why do I like Kubuntu? It detects all my hardware and sets it up out of the box. Or so I thought.

    I recently invested in a wireless network, an offer I could not refuse, £120 of kit for only £30. All Sitecom. Spent a while getting it working under both Windows and Linux, having to upgrade the firmware on the router twice and use the newer drivers from the manufacturer.

    All was working well until the wife brought home her work laptop with built-in wifi. This thing is only capable of WEP encryption. So I changed the settings on the router and my Windows install and there you go no problems, both using the internet.

    Booted into linux to do the same and it all falls down.

    My linux install had no problems using the Sitecom WL-113 USB dongle with WPA-PSK encryption. When I change this to WEP Kwifimanager, Wireless Assistant, Network Manager all see the dongle, they also all talk to the router but none of them can get an IP from the router.

    If I change the setting n the router to WPA-PSK then linux connects, if I change the router to no encryption then linux connects. But nothing under WEP.

    I have read the forums now for a week, tried several different things from these posts. Downloaded the latest LTS (Dapper Drake) and completely re-installed the system. Updated the drivers for ZD1211, tried different versions of teh the Windows drivers with different versions of NDISWRAPPER and none of them can get any further than just detecting the router. All of them detect the card fine and use it as above with or without encryption just not WEP under linux.


    I am using the Sitecom WL-113 USB dongle which is a ZD1211 chip, connecting to the WL-114 router.


    Re: wlan0 not connecting to WEP - ARGH!!!


    Just an idea, I've read in the forum that there was troubles with the GUI to set the password in case of WEP...
    Maybe you should try to use the CLI with iwconfig



      Re: wlan0 not connecting to WEP - ARGH!!!

      Originally posted by sky

      Just an idea, I've read in the forum that there was troubles with the GUI to set the password in case of WEP...
      Maybe you should try to use the CLI with iwconfig

      What is the correct format for entering the WEP key?

      I believe the command is >>iwconfig wlan0 key xxxx

      Where xxxx is the wep key taken from the router. However do I enter it exactly as it is on the router as just simply 26 characters or do I need the - dash every 4th character?

      This is proving most annoying.

      Thanks in advance,


        Re: wlan0 not connecting to WEP - ARGH!!!

        I guess, it should be all in one piece with no dashes...

        Tell us how it was

