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Enabling NIC?

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    Enabling NIC?

    I just installed Kubuntu last night, and for the life of me could not get the NIC to enable. It is just an onboard card, about 3 years old. When i went to Network Connections under admin mode, and I clicked to enable eth0 it would work for like half a second, and go right back down. Could this be a driver problem or what? I'll have to come back on after work to give details on what chipset and what not I'm using.

    Re: Enabling NIC?

    Did you select the eth0 interface and edit correctly all the settings for that interface before enabling it?

    Also, you could try to see if the following works:
    open konsole and perform the following:

    1) sudo ifconfig eth ip_you_want_assign_to_eth0 up
    2) sudo ifconfig

    can you copy here the output of 2) ?

