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No wep via wireless assistant!

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    No wep via wireless assistant!

    I see that this problem has been addressed elsewhere, but I don't think they solved my problem.

    I can connect to internet unsecured out-of-the box from my drapper. I'm using a dwl-g510 (rev c) so the card is correctly detected.

    But when i try to enable wep using DHCP and a passphrase (ASCII) the connection fails.

    Do I manually have to configure any files?



    I have tried to update the interfaces file as written elsewhere but no luck.

    Any suggestions?

    Re: No wep via wireless assistant!

    I'm having the same problem on my ibook g3 500. Thrilled that the airport worked out of the box, so kudos to kubuntu devel team.... but for all that I still can't get on my router at home....

    -vestlink : does it occasionally let you on for a moment and then kick you off?


      Re: No wep via wireless assistant!

      Nope. Nothing.

      When i configure the connection either through dhcp or manually i get at "connection failed" when i try to connect. No difference if i try to rebbot and connect again. Tried to reinstall. Same problem.



        Re: No wep via wireless assistant!

        I ran into the exact same problem. Using the bcm43xxx driver included with dapper, the card was recognized and worked fine on a nonencrypted network, but had two problems I noticed. First, it would not connect if I switched over to using any WEP encryption. Second, it defaulted on auto rate to 10mb on my G network when it should of auto detected to 54.

        I tried literally everything I could think of to get it working with WEP and nada. Via a connection script I easily forced the card to 54mb. However, rather than blow more time when it's honestly not necessary, I switched back to using ndiswrapper/windows driver for my broadcom wifi. Everything works great, auto rate & WEP.



          Re: No wep via wireless assistant!

          I had same problem and got it to work.  I too could not get Wireless Assistant  to connect with a WEP enable connection.  I then used the System Settings/Internet Connections to set up WEP, then I could connect to my router but not anywhere that required DNS.   I then went back to Wireless Assistant and tried to connect there, and it worked! Even using DNS! 

          I have no idea why this worked, but it does.

          Still flakey but at least now it connects!

          Edit: actually I think using the Wireless Assistant has no effect. I just restarted kubuntu and as long as I can set up encryption in system settings/network whatever and an IP shows up, I can get on the net but only after about 5-10 minutes, when DNS seems to start working. wierd, no clue as to what is going on


            Re: No wep via wireless assistant!

            I am not sure if my issue is wep related, but seems similar in nature. I have no problem connecting to my home Wireless Access Point with WEP enabled, but not through the wireless LAN Manager. If I go to the System Settings-> Network Settings and set everything in that interface, when I re-enabled the card I connect. I am using it now to post this.

            I then look at the Wireless LAN Manager interface and it shows that I am connected. If I then try to connect to that WAP again through the Wireless LAN Manager interface I get a failed connection message.

            I have looked in the options in the Wireless LAN Manager (there aren't many). I am wondering if this program ...even though I supply a password... doesn't have permission to alter settings??

            Any help would be nice, I would like to be able to use many different access points and feel the wireless manger will do the trick well if I can get past this little issue. I am running a Prism chipset wifi card (natively supported by linux kernel) I think the fact that with out any configuration it is working tells me it is not a card or driver issue. It seems to be a disconnect somewhere in the Wireless LAM Manager itself ??

            I just installed Kubuntu 6.06 and have done apt-get upgrade. FYI I was not able to connect to my WEP enabled WAP until I ran the latest updates!!


