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Wireless networking with SBC DSL

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    Wireless networking with SBC DSL

    I use SBC DSL with a Two Wire HomePortal 1000 wireless router, and a DLink GL-520 PCI wireless card. I first installed Flight 2 of Ubuntu, and was able to connect to the network without a problem. I am now in the process of installing Flight 6 of Kubuntu, and the wireless network no longer seems to work.

    During the setup process, the wireless card is recognized. Kubuntu asks me for the wireless network name and WEP key and I enter tem (2WIRE626 and the 10 digit product ID formatted with dashes (xxxx-xxxx-xx). On turning the computer around, I see the green light on the back of the wireless card lit up, so it is clearly able to communicate with the router. However, Kubuntu cannot recognize the network, and DHCP cannot assign it an address. I have a Windows computer located close by that connects reliably via a wireless link. Any thoughts on how I can get this to work?

    Thomas Philips

    Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL

    Do sudo ifconfig and post back output.


      Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL


      strangely enough that is exactly the point at which I am stuck, see post regarding Acer Aspire / Atheros

      I configured via terminal, and for my 10 digit key I used the sxxxxxxxxx prefix after playing around for hours, also tried your method but it did not work.

      So now within the Wifi manager I have a connection but no internet and server not found errors, cannot browse the local net either although if I bring up the router interface on 1 of my WinDoze boxes I see that my laptop, "Mobile" shows as connected.



        Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL

        Hello tk,

        writing from within Kubuntu at last...............

        I set my wifi up from the command line as root, also tried it from within wifimanager and it seemed to work as well, have not setup my scripts yet.

        so, from the point of my last post, once I activate my configuration from within the GUI, I then go to a terminal as root and

        dhclient ath0 and HELLO..............I'm up, found that little tidbit in the form for 5.10..............this forum is a little sparse on replies / help, maybe because it is a newer version...........



          Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL


          If you want to get it automatically, maybe you can give the output of your config file and your network state when up :
          cat /etc/network/interfaces



            Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL

            On typing cat /etc/network/interfaces, I get

            #The loopback network interface
            auto lo
            iface lo inet loopback

            On typing sudo ifconfig, I get
            lo Link encap: Local Loopback
            inet addr: Mask:
            UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric: 1
            RX Packets: 963 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns:0 frame:0
            TX Packets: 963 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns:0 carrier:0
            collisions: 0 txqueuelen:0
            RX bytes: 77292 (75.4 KiB) TX bytes: 77292 (75.4 KiB)

            Hope this helps!

            Thanks in advance

            Thomas Philips


              Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL

              It's strange because your card is not in the list even in /etc/network/interfaces
              Can you look in lspci to see if you can find it ? For me it looks like it's not recognized...


                Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL

                When I type /usr/bin/lspci in a shell, I get a number of lines - the pertinent one seems to be:

                0000:00:0f.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)


                  Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL

                  Ok, so I think you will have to manually add it to your /etc/network/interfaces...
                  If someone knows an easier way please give it.
                  this solution (or trial at least) is like this :
                  kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces
                  and on the bottom of the file these lines adapted with your configuration :
                  auto eth0
                  iface eth0 inet dhcp
                  wireless-essid 2WIRE626
                  wireless-key *********

                  then save it
                  in a konsole :
                  sudo ifup eth0

                  I hope it will work


                    Re: Wireless networking with SBC DSL

                    It worked! Thank you, everyone: I simply would not have been able to resolve this mystery without your help.

                    How does one let the developers know of the existence of this problem so that they can fix it?


