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Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install

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    Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install

    My problem is basically that I've but in all the IP stuff and it didn't change anything, I even took all the info i needed from the working live cd and still no luck, I'm quite new to this, I've installed Debian about 24 odd times, each time was different. ha. But the last few times it has been trying to delete the kernal right in the middle of the GUE install so i thought i'd switch to something easyer, But so far the whole experience has been an up hill struggle, The last OS to give me this kinda Interenet troubles was Windows 98
    Any Ideas?

    Re: Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install


    Can you explain how you're connected to the network ? Is it a router connected to internet ? An usb modem ? wifi ?
    You don't want to try feisty fawn ? Which is latest version of kubuntu and works usually well with network staff.


      Re: Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install

      Sorry I didn't put that detail up in my last post i wasn't at home when I made it, I have Telus DSL connected through a A-open router, and run to both my windows computer and my Linux computer. I am thinking about Feisty Fawn, I'm going to Request a CD, I would just Download and Burn it but my CD burner is messed up on my running computer And acctualy thats the same reason I didn't just put debian on again, Need 14 cds I think, With three you have to get alot from the internet and thats what was messing up my debian installs, it was trying to install packages that wern't avalable


        Re: Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install

        oh just in case you missed it, the internet works fine on Knoppix 4.0.2 and the live CD of Kubuntu, And i meant GUI not GUE in my first post Typing mistake


          Re: Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install

          My suggestions, in order of elegance ....

          (a) have a martini and go to bed, or

          (b) check out this thread, which sounds unhappily similar to your situation:

          I don't think there's anything about the ISO image for (K)Ubuntu than any other ISO image, but it certainly seems to bring out the worst in some CD ROM drives.



            Re: Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install

            hahaha, Oh i wish :P Sadly my CD burner is f**** There is no hope. I need a new one, So i'm going to get a friend to get me Kubuntu 7.04 Untill then I'll be running knoppix so I can use the internet. I downloaded the ISO but no luck burning it, My computer C**ps out at some where between 2% and 80% burnt.


              Re: Internet work on kubuntu live cd but not on install

              Borrowed a cd burner and installed Fiesty fawn and had the same problem, put in a new Etho card and did some set up and it worked, I think it was a driver problem with kubuntu because all of the live linux cds i tryed in my computer did connect to the interenet.

