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Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

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    Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

    Hi All,
    I was able to boot from a Kubuntu LiveCD no prob...but when I tried to git to the dice. So then I was wondering if it was even possible to connect using the LiveCD, and if so what do I need to know to accomplish this...also is it possible to add some software while running from a LiveCD.

    Thanks for any help!

    Re: Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

    Yes, it's possible to connect to the internet using the LiveCD. What you need to do depends on how you want to access the internet and your hardware. Usually the easiest way is to just attach a network cable to the computer.

    And yes, you can add software to your system while running the LiveCD. But you will loose that extra software when you power off your computer. The nice thing is that if you make a hard disk install before shutting down, that extra software will be installed in too.



      Re: Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

      Unfortunately I use a wireless card to hook to the internet...I imagine that is a Whole 'Nother Big Can of laptop does have switch to disable the wireless card, but I am not sure what other modem is in this computer...looks like I have more research to do!

      Thanks !


        Re: Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

        you should be able to connect from live cd using your wireless connection. On my hp laptop I go to the k-menu, internet, and there is "wlanassistant". I click on that to start the wireless then input my wep code and I'm on. That's the way it works on edgy anyway, i haven't tried dapper but I imagine it's similar. Feisty is the only distro I've used that has automatically tried to connect. All others i've had to find the program to start the wireless, it's always been in the internet catagory in the k-menu. Hope this helps...


          Re: Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

          It will help if his wireless card is in the "works in Linux out-of-the-box" type. But it could be in the "only works with ndiswrapper" group. Or even in the "works natively with lots of fiddling". Or in the rare, but far from empty "don't work at all" group.

          Wireless support is one of the biggest problems in today desktop linux. As the sheer number of posts in this and another forums can testify.

          BTW, you should probably blame a too fast, windows-centered market.



            Re: Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

            Thanks Mitch! I understand the directions...except for WEP?? What is WEP and where on my 'puter can I find this information? Would this be information from the ISP...or from my system? I did find some info on my wireless connection: Intel Pro/Wireless 3945ABG Network connection.



              Re: Is it possible to connect to internet from LiveCD?

              WEP from my understanding is just the access key. If you set up your router to be secure, as in you need to input a pass code that you created when you set up your router that would be it. If not and you have it set up to be "open" meaning you don't need a "password" then the wlanassistant should detect the info as it will detect or pick up wireless networks. If you have a "windoz" machine set up you can click on the little icon on the bottom right task bar and it should tell you your IP, subnet, netbrodcast, etc... so you can manually input the info, but it should detect it automatically. I know when I take my laptop to work i dont have to input anything as it automatically detects the network and then I click to connect and it works.

