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Installing option question

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    Installing option question

    Update - subject line changed to reflect better post content

    Hi all,
    I'm new to linux and have really been impressed with Kubuntu. I now have it installed dual booting with XP and find I'm using Linux more often then windows.
    I have been installing Kubuntu on several of my older systems around the house (for the kids and friends) and up until now have not had many issues. (nothing unresolvable anyway)
    However, I have run into a bit of a snag here. I am attempting to install on a P3 500MHZ system with only 128 MB ram. I am using the Live CD that came from 'shipit' and it would seem that this cd does indeed require 256 MB ram as I can't get it to load. My question is, is there any way to install from this cd without running as live cd first?
    I would like to avoid having to download the alternative install cd as I am on Satalite and there is a 'fair access policy' that will kick in and slow me down when I go over 170MB within a 30 min. timeframe. I guess if it were possible to download 100MB at a time with a 20min to 1hr interval I would be ok.
    Any help or suggestions would be great.

    Re: Installing option question

    That system might be a little light for KDE. You might want to consider Xubuntu instead. It will probably run a little faster for you.

    I'm not sure what to tell you about your bandwidth issue but maybe someone can mail you a copy?
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich

